Breaking news Young People. Coronavirus is out for your blood too. And your chances of staying out of the hospital go way down if you've compromised your lungs by vaping or smoking. Compromise means to make shittier. Junk. Wreck. Ruin.
And let's review some common sense methods of defense if you do have to go out in public. Quality face masks and respirators can indeed help everyone avoid contracting and passing on the dread pirate Coronavirus. Supply problems aside, breathing filters at or above the quality of an N-95 mask will be a vast improvement over not wearing anything at all in a supermarket teaming with Covid-19 droplets. A billion Asians can't be wrong, and a goddamned wet handkerchief would probably be better than nothing.
This virus is primarily transmitted by breathing in coughed droplets from an infected person, which can also enter the body through a number of other methods after those same particles are picked up by hands that are sucked on or rubbed into the eye etc. The virus can thrive in fecal matter and be deposited on a door handle or loaf of bread. A decent properly fitting mask, a pair of tight fitting glasses or goggles, and some light gloves, just like the doctors do, will help you prevent infection and spread while in public. And sanitize! Thousands of dudes who achieve their manhood through beards will be screwed. You've got to have a good seal. The more diligent we are, the faster we will return to normalcy.
It's also worth noting that the United States is the only country in the world to turn down the WHO's Covid 19 testing kits so that Oscar Health Corporation- owned by the Kushners, can monopolize and profit from the entire US contract (last year their company lost $110 million dollars, twice as much as in 2018). There is a still vast shortage of tests and supplies to combat the spread. Vote.
For the record, I don't trust or endorse any politicians as a rule. I'm forced to chose some over others to try and save my love ones from being slaughtered by used gameshow hosts. All politicians make mistakes. And most of them don't mind lining their pockets. Caesar was doing a great job for the Romans until he got bored and started a pointless war to enrich his dwindling coffers, and that's when his senators said enough, stabbed him 29 times, each man taking a turn, and made the slaves clean it up.
Back in the old days of the U.S. Congress, if any senator had the balls and lack of brains to keep holding up common sense pandemic response legislation over their own petty whims like one asshole from Kentucky keeps doing time and again, he'd probably be caned to death on the senate floor. Our current snake oil salesman, sociopath in chief, six-time bankruptcy champ, has already got a lot of nice Americans killed after firing all the reputable scientists he could get his hands on, defunding the Center for Disease Control and closing the office of Pandemic response. And through his lame, months late, blame-shifting smoke and mirrors, helped destabilize the global economy. The CDC is under the jurisdiction of the Executive branch, which means that the president IN OFFICE takes full control over its future the day he steps into the White House. Justice will be served. But the damage is already done. Good luck America!
It's important to note, years from now, when our genetically mutated offspring are reading my previous comment, that for two months after the initial warnings of Covid-19, and the delay and deny of our leader, who was searching desperately for ways to buy time to figure out how to profit personally from this disaster, that our best and brightest minds were telling society that breathing masks were not effective in helping those who didn't already have the virus. Well, Helmut did the math, and warned the world otherwise. And eight hours later mind you, the following morning, the world went live and said, "Oopsie." And proceeded to retract eight weeks of bullshit and misinformation that would've aided in reducing the pandemic we now find ourselves in. Do I know I'm pissing in a stiff north headwind here?
It didn't even bring me down.
Helmut Flaag
about 5 years agoHelmut Flaag
about 5 years agoHelmut Flaag
about 4 years ago