April 20 at Legacy Glassworks

Live music all day, free, all ages.

11 AM: The Crunchy Bunch
12 PM: DJ AfterDeath
1 PM: Remote Viewfinder
2 PM: J. Peach
3 PM: Kenesis
4 PM: The Tico Three
5 PM: DJ Epistêmê
6 PM: The Good Colonels
7 PM: Pennies for a Dime
8 PM: House of Doughnuts



about 13 years ago

I have nothing against homegrown Marijuana although it is not for me.  I also believe that hemp should be legalized and incorporated into our agriculture system.  I do not support weak half measures like "decriminalization," if people are selling and smoking it then I want them to produce it themselves or for it to be regulated, taxed and monitored for health and safety, just like I'm sure these pipes are.

As long as marijuana is illegal then any event promoting illegal drug use promotes drug dealers and the decay of families and communities.  Drug dealers support the civil war in Mexico, the illegal arms trade, organized crime, racketeering, bribery, corruption and other nefarious blights on our society. Oh and marijuana dealers often sling other illegal substances as well.  Supporting lawlessness breaks down the fabric of our communities.    More importantly for me, I live near a drug dealer or two.  I don't like them.  I don't like what they do to our communities.  If you are a small time drug dealer and you grow all of your own product and you don't have any illegal weapons or participate in a drug distribution network then I apologize if I offend you.  

You might say this event and the "water pipes" have nothing to do with Marijuana, but then ... why do the event on April 20th? 


about 13 years ago

Tobacco pipes.


about 13 years ago

@ Jake, hahahahah, yeah tobacco pipes, hahahahahahahahah.
I always love that one.


about 13 years ago

Wildgoose is a cop


about 13 years ago

Are they celebrating Hitler's birthday? Silly hipsters.


about 13 years ago

Can you tell me about the pipe tobacco you carry? Any thing with perique ?


about 13 years ago

Now, that would be nice. Too bad we don't have a good humidor in this city.


about 13 years ago

Wow, the comments here are kind of absurd. "Drug dealers"? Pretty much everyone I know who smokes, doesn't smoke anything from Mexico or that was smuggled anywhere, or supports armed robbery or whatever the hell. Most likely anything smoked from items sold out of this establishment is either legal, produced in the local area, or both.


about 13 years ago


Rybak told MPR's Morning Edition that white, middle-class Minnesotans are buying marijuana "with a little wink and a nod, thinking it has nothing to do with anything. It is literally paying for bullets that kill people."
The distribution and abuse of illicit drugs pose a serious threat to the safety and welfare of Minnesota residents. Illicit drugs are transported into Minnesota for distribution and through the state for distribution in other areas. While most of the illicit drugs available in Minnesota are transported from Mexico and southwestern states, Minnesota also is vulnerable to drugs smuggled across the U.S.-Canada border, particularly marijuana and MDMA. Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTOs), criminal groups, outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMGs), street gangs, and local independent dealers distribute drugs within the state.

Carl Miller

about 13 years ago

Womyn-O-Man, I really really love house of doughnuts.  Wish I could be there. 

p.s. hopefully you guys have moved the glass cases away from the stage/crowd area.  All the best, 

Carl Miller

about 13 years ago

Thanks Wildgoose, 

Are you the emperor with no clothes? 

Oh, btw, who launders all of that drug money in from mexico? Why is it you? or is it.......


"Wachovia admitted it didn't do enough to spot illicit funds in handling $378.4 billion for Mexican-currency-exchange houses from 2004 to 2007. That's the largest violation of the Bank Secrecy Act, an anti-money-laundering law, in U.S. history -- a sum equal to one-third of Mexico's current gross domestic product."

But don't you worry wildgoose! we're all HIGHLY aware that "products" originating from the state of Minnesota are extremely dangerous and pose serious health risks to our communities, especially the blatantly obvious connection between glass blowers and dangerous drug cartels.  

lets leave out; alcohol, opiates, prescription drugs(ssri's, opiates, etc), amphetamine, lithium, methamphetamine.


about 13 years ago

I'm the naked glass blower police, here to ruin everyone's fun.  

If you want to get into international conspiracies involving banks and the government I could talk for hours, Carl.  Hours.  It used to bother the heck out of me that USA was turning a blind eye to the Afghanistan heroin trade, and that was before we were providing heavy weapons and air support to the opium traffickers:


But anyway, I am sure this will be a fun event, I am just a fly in the ointment, as usual reminding people that your "casual" drug use has real world consequences.  Sure, the 2-3 bowl a week smoker doesn't have the same impact of a private jet full of cocaine and Wachovia/Wells Fargo laundered cash, but you do have an impact.  And the money that you spend on those drugs adds up.


about 13 years ago

Almost forgot.  Alcohol and prescription drugs.  I agree these are often much worse than pot for the economy, health and just about anything else you might come up with in most cases.  In my original comment I stated that I agree in legalization of Marijuana and integrating hemp back into our agricultural system. For me the most important difference in this context is that alcohol and prescription drugs are legal products in America today. Marijuana is not.


about 13 years ago

Where is the private jet full of cocaine?


about 13 years ago

It's been hijacked by Sheen.


about 13 years ago

The private jet full of cocaine, Adam, is being flown in by the D.E.A. ... fact.

Carl Miller

about 13 years ago


"used to"?

Funny how the lines continue to be blurred between what is "theorized" and what is an indisputable fact.  Of course you are the fly in the ointment, playing devil's advocate is fine, so is representing the other side, that is if logic can be applied to your argument.  

2-3 bowls a week? that's weak.

Also, how does my green thumb- which my "habit" tends to give minnie high fives to- have anything to do with the government sponsored trafficking of narcotics in the united states? 

Really, sustaining your own supply of herb is like growing your own aloe vera plant or having a goat that you can milk.  Your attempt to correlate the average stoner with the blood spilled in mexico is like saying the average hobby farmer/community garden project is collectively supporting monsanto ;)

Hmmmm wonder what socioeconomic bracket has the money to afford large amounts of cocaine?



about 13 years ago

Whatever moral/ethical spin you put on it Carl, it's still illegal, and that ain't likely to change.

I'm sure, however, that you're aware of the legal ramifications of your recreational use/gardening ... as are the guys who really wear the uniform.

Carl Miller

about 13 years ago

Moral/ethical spin? Wouldn't that be the reason why it's still illegal? 

"Legal ramifications," I wonder what those would be in California with a license? 

Geesh, in the realm of a glass shop trying to have a show, you have haters and people who don't want others to thrive.  Then, you have the crowd that says "well I wish it were different! but gee golly things justa' aint gonna change!" Sounds like the democratic base that voted for the noble peace laureate. Do it better, PDD veterans.


about 13 years ago

"It's still illegal, and that ain't likely to change."

The times are a changing.  Much faster than most would have imagined a couple of years ago. Public sentiment has moved rapidly towards legalization, and even the politicians are catching up. There's 14 medical marijuana states now, and remember Minnesota would be among them if Pawlenty hadn't vetoed our medical bill in 2009.

Check out the Marijuana Policy Project at mpp.org for an update on how far we've come in the last decade.  MPP has been behind victory after victory in the battle to end this inane war on marijuana.  

If you've determined that the prohibition of marijuana has been way more destructive than the actual plant could ever be, please even consider kicking MPP a few bucks.    

The United States IS partially responsible for horrific violence and political corruption perpetrated by the cartels against the Mexican people. If we accepted our responsibility we would make at least four policy changes:
1) End the failed drug war.
2) Close the gun show loophole that allows the cartels to buy paramilitary weapons in the United States.
3) Reform immigration policy to decrease the cartel's 'people smuggling' revenue.
4) Enforce money laundering laws.

In the meantime, be an ethical citizen and smoke some homegrown.


about 13 years ago

"Legal ramifications," I wonder what those would be in California with a license?"

You might have been onto something there if this were California and not Minnesota.

As it stands, the legalization referendum in CA is on shaky ground, as is the one they're trying to pass in WA.

I'll agree that we're getting there, but we ain't there yet.

I'm not hating, man. I'm a realist.

Danny G

about 13 years ago

Gary Johnson in 2012!  Right everyone?

Carl Miller

about 13 years ago

Zra - I am in California, reeeeeeallll shaky out here......rumble rumble.  Cops been cracking down lately! haha


about 13 years ago

And good for you, Carl, but we are in Minnesota, and if you picked up on the general theme of this thread and the whole blog for that matter ... this (as in the state we're currently speaking about) is Minnesota. Not California. 

Lay off the bong for a bit and pay attention to what the other side is doing. You're not fighting against a bunch of sleazy pols, you're fighting the money that buys the pols, and the drug cartels who're controlling a good chunk of the trade in your state.

Carl Miller

about 13 years ago


1. I don't smoke out of bongs.

2. *this* is a discussion about whether or not homegrown herb is correlated with drug cartel violence in Mexico.

3. I just moved to the coast of california from Duluth, MN.  (uhhhh you know minnesota!) Geesh I'm soooooo ripped, I don't even know what state I'm in! whoa! I'd better just lay off the drug cartels herb man, that stuff is definitely laced with something! 

4. Ever heard of mendocino county? The cartels up there are armed with papers and freshly cured flowers. Dangerous indeed. They also grow vegetables and other medicinal herbs which are known to increase the mind, body and spirit.  You wouldn't think cartels are into that sect of wellness philosophy but, it's true.

5. Why defend an illogical argument that you did not purport?


about 13 years ago


you're not getting it. until you stop this and this, and deal with the organizations who're dumping millions into politician's pockets to keep the stuff illegal, you're not going to get to do this, because in their eyes, it's all the same thing.

Carl Miller

about 13 years ago

*Big smille* 

ahhh finally, something substantive.

Helmut Flaag

about 13 years ago

The strangle hold the pharmcorp and righties and turdies all have on us is breathtaking, maybe one day we'll rise up with fists and...


Danny G

about 13 years ago

I repeat...Gary Johnson in 2012.


about 13 years ago

anybody but Minnesota's own perennial presidential prospective...Chris Wright.

If you want to change things, you gotta get in with the politicians. You wanna get in with the pols? Representing your cause just isn't enough. You can walk in armed to the teeth with every scrap of verifiable factual scientific, medical, and feel good yuppie holistic data that supports your cause but if you don't like like them, you're as good as invisible. You gotta look like them. You gotta act like them. you gotta smell like them and you gotta talk like them. given the difficulties the average activist minded pothead has putting on anything other than his shoes correctly, that task would be daunting at best.

okay, that last part there was a bit of a jab at the stereotype, but you get the jist...

Carl Miller

about 13 years ago

I liked the jab, I think sandals would've been a better "fit", get it. 

Anyways, I understand what you are saying, I'm currently wearing a button up dress shirt with a tie and dress pants.  I don't really smell like a politician (they shower in cologne), but I'm getting there! 

Nice to converse with you zra!


about 13 years ago

yah...stick your feet in your birkenstocks...

the sad part is that i'm completely pooh poohing any and all of my head shop cred by taking the realistic break...

meh. i wasn't using it anyway.


about 13 years ago

Just a clarification, and a possible buttress to 'Zra's argument, I was not arguing against homegrown pot. That's a pretty big point to miss. I am arguing against basically everything BUT homegrown pot, until the War on Drugs is ended. And no, I don't consider growing bales of weed in national forests to be homegrown, even though I'm sure some drug war abolishionists probably could make an interesting argument that that is homegrown. 

Finally, is this thread not dead yet?  I wrote out a long response on here a few days ago then hit the wrong key and lost it, or it got moderated out or something, and I just let it go.  Figured "meh. the threads already dead" guess I was wrong.

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