After some marathon last minute cleaning and yard work I was actually ready for the arrival of my family. We had dinner at the Brewhouse and then went for a skinny dip(my nephew anyway) at Brighton Beach. The rumble of thunder was could be heard in the distance as we toweled off.
Now my nephew is going to bed at the hotel and I am picking records for the Starfire Lounge.
Well here's a perfect duluth, actually superior, day! Please note Chris Godsey and Tony Dei(ie?)kins doing thei(ie?)r signature 9th hole scramble at the Shaky Ray golf deal. I have to say that this was the very first time that I've ever played golf in RL. And in this regard, Lumpy is correct, RL is over rated. I had a blast with my homie(ei?)s but the club house at Nemadji is the biggest buzz kill since tinfoil chewing competitions at a periodental convention. Now I truly know that whitey must die and thank god(dog?) that pass to US customs as a "questionable" looking dark person.
Like being the new boyfriend and meeting her friends for the first time...
That's what the first post to a blog is like as far as I'm concerned. You're never sure what to say exactly to this group of people you really don't know, and you hope- usually in vain- that someone interacts with you first to help ease the moment.
Now I know that isn't gonna happen, so- like the myriad "new boyfriend" experiences I have had, I will simply slink away into a far corner, mind my own business, and try not to get raging drunk. Or naked. The end result of one such experience a few years back.
We needn't discuss that now, however, we've only just met.
five names my roomate's dog is called other than his name, which according to the breeder is actually 'Vatan' but was deemed too complicated and changed to Burks:
1. The Dude 2. 'Ol Piss-Paws 3. Captain Surly 4. The Random Shitter 5. The Biting Guy (when he lays on his back, lets the whites of his eyes show and bites at anything within radius)
The kitchen project is plodding along but there is an end in site. I have scaled back my grand painting ideas from three colors to two and the main wall color is going to be Yellow Marigold, #2155 in the Benjamin Moore paint book.
The new Ripsaw has Alan Sparhawks tour diary from the Low/Radiohead tour and you can read it here.
Tomorrow is Family day. They will arrive at 2PM and we are going to the beach.
call me a hipster wanna-be, an idiot or a writer that loves kids... but I just applied for an internship at 826 Valencia. i'd teach kids creative writing, sell piracy goods and oh so much more. do i have a chance in hell of getting the job? who knows, but i'd be a good gig, so everyone cross their fingers for me.
starfire, you're one of my references. you better say real nice things, pal!
Plan on any home project to take 4 times longer than you think it will and to cost 5 times as much. The current kitchen project is actually going very smoothly thanks to Lefty my former roomate and current renter. He is a proffesional painter and I snagged him for a day. He insisted that I fix all the cracks properly so it took a bit longer to mud than I thought but the Kitchen will look great when it is finished. I will not have it done for the arrival of my mother however and I have to come to terms with that.
On a more fun note, Father Hennepin my band had a practice today for a show on Friday night at Pizza Luce. We are playing the Chris Monroe art opening post party. Jim Hall starts at 8:30 then us at 10PM and finally Fattypants a local, all-girl-dyke band. I love them. I am also making like 40 gallons of Potato Salad for the reception, maybe my mum will help, she taught me how to cook after all.
I am going to hit the hay so I can get up early and paint.
Well, I think it's a draw. Europe. Panama City, FL. Same thing.
What I did learn is that a vacation is best approached with a "What would Red Foreman do?" attitude. Bearing this in mind, I think Red Foreman would have had a coulple cans of PBR and call people "dumbasses" as they walked by his porch. Redneck chic is in.
Work was extra warm today so a picnic at the beach and a cooling swim have kept me from hitting the paintbrush. I have the colors picked however and most of the prep work is done.
I met the owner of Aerostich Riderwear today, they make protective riderwear for motorcyclists and put out a kick-ass catalog with everyting you could ever want for riding on 2 wheels. Bullseye does a lot of printing for them and one of my favorite things is running orders out to the their shop in the West End. They are celebrating 20 years of business this August with the "Very Boring Rally".
I have to get to the hardware store now. I need primer.
I can make this joke because I'm from West Duluth...
People are meeting tonight at 7 o'clock at Mr. D's to talk about the DenfeldHighSchool situation. Gee, I thought that happened every night.
By the way, this site may be #1 on Google for "skinny dipping pics," but as I learned from a recent hit, is #1 on MSN for "free nude pictures of Rhonda Shear."
So last week when Lumpy and I set off to NE Mpls we were a week early. This week we were 5 hours late. Will we ever learn?
Upon our tardy entrance we heard the final chords of the Ashtray Hearts who were one of the bands I really wanted to see. When we headed indoors we were promptly greeted by Mr Lindquist and he was seated by Nate Starke, a Duluthian also playing. After buying Mr Lindquist a Screwdriver we set upon seeing some tunes. The sets were mostly all 20 minutes or less so you could not dally much lest you might miss something. My favorite set of the day was Sirr Cuss, an all girl band with a gitar a saw, drums and an accordion. Couldn't make out much of the vocals but they moved me none the less.
A majority of the attendents were in their 30's and several of them had kids aged between 7 weeks and 4 years. Pretty much like Duluth,MN. We headed out before Seth Hogan or Mike Nicolai played but it was nice to get home before midnight. I have a kitchen to paint in the AM.
I am getting dangerously close to a Perfect Duluth Day.
1. I worked at Bullseye. 2. I had a Happy Hour beer at RT Quinlan's. 3. I finally hauled the stage risers I borrowed for the Homegrown Music Festival back to the Tap Room. 4. I went for a very quick swim. The water was amazingly cold. 5. I am currently taking a break from scraping wallpaper off of my kitchen walls. 6. I am listening to Loretta Lynn while performing #5. 6. Hoping to go see Brian Joens at the Brewhouse.
Here are 8 of my pictures from the Low/Radiohead tour. I only have two pictures of actual Radiohead members but I think I would get in trouble if I posted them. Enjoy.
1. A window in Florence. 2. Chris, the Low sound guy and a very funny man. 3. Hollis standing by a Radiohead box. I really dig road boxes and I would love to have my casket made out of one. 4. Zak in his favorite T-shirt. 5. A bike that grabbed my eye. 6. Another bike that grabbed my eye. I took many photos of bikes. 7. A sunset with Hollis. This was in Florence and the view kicked ass. 8. A low family picture. This was in Ferrara and our hotel was next to a castle.
I had my longest Brighton Beach swim this year. Lundgren, LumpyG and I took a dip in Gitchee Gumee on a tip from another local swim fan and water temp watcher. Mr. Lumpy performed a near perfect shallow dive entry and Mr. Lundgren impressed us with his killer tan.
Post swimming festivities were performed at the Lakeview Castle. They mix a mean Caucasian and the price is right. There was talk of pressing on to a bowling alley in South Superior but that will have to wait till another day.
I am going to start scraping wallpaper off now in hopes of painting my kitchen before my mother arrives next week.
Did I mention the North East Folk Festival is this Weekend?
So LumpyG and I headed down south for the NorthEast Folk Festival this past Saturday and when we arrived at Grumpys we were shocked to find out that it is this coming weekend. We made the best of our predicament (see post by LumpyG) and good times were had with Liz, Brian and Puddin'.
So this Saturday we will make the return trip and hope for sunshine and more good eats at Holy Land.
After a long day of calling Charter Cable support about my new cable modems failure to perform, I just fixed it myself. So now I just need someones scanner for an evening and I can get those Low/Radiohead pictures up on the site.
Other items of note.
My good friends Rod and Rebecca had a baby girl on Saturday. Her name is Lillian Graf St. George and she is very happy and healthy. The whole labor lasted 3 hours. That is how babies are born in cars.
My other good friends Ted and Ann had a daughter 10 days ago or so. Her name is Harriet and she is also healthy and happy.
Hello from the Lincoln Park Wash-n-Web. My quilt and large blankets needed a bath and my Internet access at home is on a brief vacation so here I am in the wonderful West End of Duluth doing 4 loads of laundry.
Later today LumpyG and I are heading to Minneapolis for the North East Folk Festival hosted by Baby Grant Johnson. It is at Grumpys Barand it is outdoors. I have been trying to find any information on the web about it but have not found any which means it should be great. I did hear a piece on public radio's "Word of Mouth" and I know that Seth Hogan and the Ashtray Hearts are playing. I believe it starts at 5PM, say hi if you see me.
Oh by the way. We will have our 1000th hit today. Thanks for stopping by.
I thought I'd share my to don't list as an initial "hi how are ya". Actually I look at this as a kind of service because I was thinking Starfire's kitty was a bit under shaved..especially if he wants to go skinny dipping and take pics
Baci 2dont:
1. Don't ever use the internet from the Chester Creek Cafe and expect to be able to play EQ. It's so unsatisfing to have your 48th level ranger wood elf entirely un-able to defeat the spectres from that island in the Oasis of Marr. Besides, appart from the mythical overtones of the game, the hippies are very confused by the whole thing.
2. Don't go to Canada on Canada Day..unless you actually are a Canadian. It's a bittersweet holiday with minor celebrations in pullbarns and lots of leftovers.
3. Don't stock up on elbow grease.
4. Don't Expect Brad until 45 minutes after you plan to meet with him...but when he's there...he's THERE, actually later on you come to find that he actually WAS there the whole time talking to Heimer.
5. Dont worry about not fitting it all in. Let some of it spill out and make the floor messy.
6. Don't call it "Skinny Dipping" when it's really "Chubby Dipping" or even "Fatty Dipping".
Well we did it. We have achieved the number one ranking on Google for the search term "skinny dipping pics." I can't tell you how proud I am of all of you.
Back on home soil. Thank God and Northwest I'm home. All of our flights were on time and I was searched 3 times. If you were wondering, a hole punch is legal to travel with but you will be searched.
Now that we've climbed to #2 on the Yahoo "skinny dipping pics" search, it's essential for me to make this post, so that the words "skinny dipping pics" appear a few more times in the blog, which will perhaps push us to #1. By the way, #1 is a blog called It's Trouble by FCSuper, who is not nearly as proud of his position as he should be.
Here is a list of other phrases I'd like to include, just to attract more search engine pervies:
1. Atkins-compliant food sex 2. Vic Tayback's prostate 3. insectile bestiality 4. DTA sex 5. Sally Forth naked 6. semen-coated wedding ring 7. slowly removing her Tweety Bird "What Part of No Don't You Understand?" T-shirt 8. smothered in Campbell's Tomato Soup 9. Left Behind pornographic parody 10. Subway Jared "sandwich"
I apologize. When you work as a smut peddler, sometimes you become desensitized to both filth and low-grade humor.
Just had our last Radiohead catered meal. Most of us had the Pork but the Fried Chicken was the winner of the night.
Hollis and I spent some time walking around the promenade (the hallways which go in a circle around the stadium. is that what they are called?) Anyways, I got a Bull Fighting poster for Karla who finds the Matadors very sexy. I also sorta almost bumped into Thom Yorke while playing with Hollis and he gave me a very funny look. I can't help but look at famous people differently.
SO tomorrow night I arrive home at 9:30, just in time to head down to the Starfire Lounge. Maybe I will see some of you there.
things seem to be getting a bit weird over in China, with whole flocks of lake monsters being sighted. it's time for Lake Superior's Pressie ("one of the world's most seldom seen lake monsters") to step up and claim a bit of spotlight from her Scottish and Chinese cousins.
the most recent, and my personal favorite Pressie sighting:
"In the middle 1990's, during the summer, fishermen watched in horror as a large aquatic animal pulled a wading buck deer under (leaving only it's severed head) near Point Iroquois, Michigan."
remember that on your next late night skinny dipping outing, Starfire.
well just got back from my Madrid stroll and the Camper shoe store was closed for siesta. i bet you feel real bad for me. It also looks like 30,000 people could fit into the bullfighting ring. It is HUGE. More to come soon.
Good morning from Madrid. We made some changes in our plans. We were going to take 2 days to get from Nimes, France to Madrid because it is a 12 hour drive but decided to do it all in one day so we could spend some time hanging out in Spain. I am glad we made that decision now but it was one hellofa long drive. We hit the road by about 9:30 yesterday morning and the oven was preheated to about 350 by noon.
Suddenly about 200 kilometersout of town the temperature dropped down to about 17 degrees celsius. Jackets were pulled out that had migrated to the bottoms of everyones bags. This morning the temp is still cool and the sun is as about as bright as I have ever seen.
Our hotel is just 2 blocks from the Bull fighting ring where the show will happen tonight. Hard to believe this is the last show and at this time tomorrow I will be on my way to Amsterdam-Mpls and then home to Duluth. This has reallty been a dream trip.
Nice to see so many new posts. Hi Tim and Jerree! I also am getting quite a kick out of the Doty pictures in place of the missing blogger pics. I will not miss him when he is gone.
Well I am going to head out and take the Metro into the center of town now. There is a Camper shoe store with my name on it. Everything is much cheaper in Spain and I love shoes.
five books on my nightstand in various stages of un-read-ness (or already-read-and-reading-again-because-the-author-added-sixty-pages-to-the-second-edition-goddamn-him, in Eggers' case):
Today I really need to know ... what should the rent be on a two-bedroom apartment in Duluth? A newly remodeled, extremely quiet, all-new-appliances, all-new-lighting-and-plumbing-fixtures, no-neighbors, all-utilities-included, regular-washer-and-dryer-in-the-basement, off-street-parking-with-garage, immaculate-yard-and-garden-that-is-nice-but-also-the-tenant's-responsibility, sort-of-smallish type of apartment. I know what a good deal would be, but where is the line between expensive and unreasonable?
Hello. This is me testing the blog-waters with my first post. I'm writing from the little public library where I live in Easthampton, Mass. They have an extensive books-on-tape section next to the computers. Anyhoo, just wanted to say hello all. I would also like to hear about Greenman and any other duluth happenings from afar.
Other Firsts:
My first car once fell into Lake Superior. (containing my first guitar and my first accordion). There was a SCUBA driver involved in the car recovery. I am an excellent driver. Really.
Low is playing, the air has cooled a bit and the Lavender plant near me smells like heaven.
Anyone out there go to Green Man? Just wondering how things went. The only news I have is that the weather was great and there were many folks there. An inquiring mind wants to know. LumpyG? Radiohead Box.
We made it to Nimes. Last nice was spent on the edge of Nice, France and we did make it to the Mexican restaurant that we had been to before. They didn't fail us. I had the Chicken Enchiladas with Mole sauce and mmm mmm good. Right now I am in the dressing room outside of the Coliseum that Low is playing tonight. I can't believe that every venue just gets better and better. I think there may be 10,000 kids at the show tonight but Hollis and I will be at the un-airconditioned hotel. I sure hope we get out of the 90's.
Right now there are 3 people waiting to use this computer so I bid you adieu.
I'm very happy to report that we've been getting hits by someone typing the words "skinny dipping pics" into search engines. I'm even happier to report that if you do type "skinny dipping pics" into say, Yahoo, Perfect Duluth Day is ranked #6.
Just because there is alot of food to eat doesn't mean you have to eat it. This is a lesson that I try to learn over and over again.
Today was pretty slow. Remember what I said about being able to deal wit the heat? Well now I am not so sure. The humidity and heat picked it up a notch today so the planned bike ride was turned into short walks. Hollis kept saying "I can't take it so long" and I cant say I blame her.
So in between walks I spent a bunch of time watching the Tour De France. Today was the longest stage of the Tour and the first big mountain day. Lance and the Postal team led the Peleton all day but finished 6 minutes or so behind the winner. Mr. Armstrong remains in second place 2:34 behind the leader, a Frenchman whose name I can't remember.
Tomorrow is a day off and we will be driving to Nice, France. Last tour we spent a night there too and we are looking forward to returning to a Mexican restaurant that made some of the most memorable food of my life.
I am sitting outside of the Radiohead production office listening to the last song of the Radiohead set realizing that Thom Yorke is one hell of a singer. I caught more of their show tonight than I have so far and it dawned on me just how much he sings. He is practically holding a note for nearly the whole 2 hour show.
We are in Ferraro, Italy by the way for the first of two nights and I think I may move here. The language is gorgeous, the city is perfect and I could handle the heat. We set off from Florence at mid-day after rescuing my digital camera from the restaurant we ate at last night. The drive went quickly, maybe because of the Harry Potter book I am caught up in or maybe just because it was only 90 miles. As is our custom we stopped for coffee at a gas station along the way. The gas stations in Europe are so much better, you can buy REAL food and get a decent cappucino.
Our hotel for the next two days is literally right behind the stage and very cozy. Tomorrow I am hoping to take one of the hotel bikes for a ride about the city. More about Ferrara. In my limited 10 block walk all I can say is WOW. Hollis and I went strolling during before Low took the stage and everywhere you look is perfect. I will try to post some pictures tomorrow but you really just have to come here to believe. The streets are paved wit small rocks that are just a handfull in size and irregular. Along the side of the very narrow roads are a smooth strip for riding bikes. The greatest thing about all of Italy is the shutters which people pull shut in the morning to combat the days heat. After about 5PM things start to cool down and the shutters are flung open to let in the coolness. By 10PM the air is perfect and there is always a slight breeze to wash away the days punishment.
What else? Oh beyond our regular 4 rooms in the hotel we have an extra suite for the dressing room and if you look out the window you can see the 6000 plus Radiohead fans pushing towards the front of the stage. On two sides is an old castle and the other sides are made up of our hotel and another one. The folks in the other hotel had the BEST view around for the show. I will try to capture this on my camera and post tomorrow.
I best be running now because the Radiohead office is closing and I am not sure if they will shut down the connection. Sleep tight and go to Green Man if you can.
It's not about being bored, or the like. It's really that he's in Italy. That's beyond cool. It's snazzy. I'm prepared to acknowledge a measure of reasoned jealousy toward the esteemed Mr. Starfire. I think we're due that here perfectduluthday.
However, in my defense, it is a really cool grill.
Finally, if I manage to post from Florida next week, it's still no comparison. Europe is way cooler... er... snazzier.
Regardless, I really do look forward to Starfire's Livewires. We do need more photos.
Sure... Starfire may be having an earthshatteringly good time in Europe... but is he playing the best round of Civilization III ever? In Duluth? While it's foggy? Huh? I don't think so.
Well after 2 hard days of work we have a day off. The Radioheaddies may have packed up and headed north but we have stayed put in Florence. I am happy to report that the U.S.A. (me) has emerged victorius against Great Britain(tour manager Matt) in a 4 length hotel pool swim challenge. The race was won in the turns so I would like to send a big thank you to all of my swim coaches that made me work so hard on technique. I believe there may be a challenge later this evening with Mr Zak Sally getting into lane 3. I can beat that skinny Bass player anyday.
So show number 3 was awesome. Chris the sound guy has finally got the hang of mixing these outdoor shows and the band has a new found confidence. Alan was real chatty with the crowd last night and those Italians were eating it up. Low has been rocking it out a bit more than usual but they play the quiet ones too. I would say that 80 percent of the audience was really into listening and the whole crowd was quite respectful. AT one point I heard a request shouted out from the Radiohead tent for "Dinosaur Act" and when they did play it Colin ran up to the side stage and sang along. He said it was his favorite Low song.
Everybody has really been great to us and I will miss the Italians when we head off to France. Speaking of France the entertainment industry is currently on strike. That includes the stage hands and we may run into some protesting. The striking Frenchmen tried to stop a Rolling Stones show from happening yesterday but I believe the show went on as planned.
I guess that is about it for now. Tonight we are all going to dinner at 6 if anyone is in the neighborhood. Traditional Tuscan fare is our goal.
Oh the new photos at the top of the page were from the backstage area. Damn we are lucky. I wish everyone could be here.
Oh one more thing. The Tour De France coverage here is fantastic. They cover every stage from beginning to end on at least 2 channels and one is in English. I don't mind listening in French though.
Notice that the photos at the top of the page have changed to Starfire's photos of Florence, Italy. To see them larger, click here and here.
I'll post 'em when I get 'em. These shots are beautiful, but where are the people? The citizens of Duluth are jealous of your endeavors, Mr. Starfire, and need to see more skinny rock-star arms in order to be appeased.
They have a wireless connection setup backstage and I am using Alans Mac with Airport to post this right now. Low just finished sound checking "Fearless" and life is real good. Now I can theoretically FTP photos as they are happening. Maybe I will just be a good nanny.
Hello. The timer says I have 11 minutes left and these foreign keyboards drive me nutty. Speaking of nutty, I had some Nuttela on my Croissant this morning. MMM-MMM good.
So we made it to Florence o.k. the drive was supposed to take 4 hours but really took 5 1/2 and there is no air conditioning which is not a problem if we keep moving. It is a problem when we get stuck in traffic. But really I am not complaining. The Florence shows are on the top of the biggest hill and the backstage area has a panoramic view of the city. I still don't have a good feel for the layout of Florence yet so I can't give you any landmarks.
We are all starting to feel a bit more comfortable with the Radiohead crew and band. Colin has been extra nice to us all and I even saw him singing along with the Low songs.
-Sitting on the stage with Hollis while the whole crowd of 6000 plus sang along on "the Lamb"
-Eating Gnocci with Pesto sauce while watching the sun set over Florence.
-Sittin on stage listening to In Metal and having Hollis fall asleep in my lap.
-Italian Coffee.
ONly 2 minutes left. I will try to get some more time soon. Right now I am going to dip in the pool.
Most of you are snug in bed while I type this. Today is our second full day of Radiohead mania and it is going very well. I really had no idea what to expect from these shows but I am happy to report things are pretty good. We arrived pretty early to the venue yesterday which was an enclosed Track and Field type of place right next door to a Football arena. That is soceer to us americanos. We were given our tour laminates and shown our dressing room which is normally used as a press conference room after football games. We decided to check into the hotel and kill some time until sound check.
Bergamo is a beautiful city and very clean, at least what I have seen is. The weather is in the 90's but the humidity is low and it cools off at night. The Italians have been wonderful to us and of course the food is great.
When we went back to the venue Radiohead was finishing up with there sound check and they sounded real good. As they came off the stage they all welcomed us which made me feel a bit more comfortable. I still feel like I shouldn't quite be back stage but I will get over it.
Today we are heading to Florence where they will play 2 shows and then we have a day off to explore and walk and see art and culture and drink wine. Yeah.
I am having fun getting to know Karla as well. She is a really great person who writes speeches for a democratic goverment type guy in New York when she is not off playing music. He may even be running for mayor i guess. Well it is almost time to head out of town so have a great day and I will update when I can.
I found this link today over at Chuck's Blogumentary about the rising trend of "flash mobs" in NYC and now Minneapolis and San Francisco. Flash mobs are the shit--a large mob of strangers, usually numbering from 100-200, congregate at a particular place at a particular time in order to act out some sort of weirdness. At the last one in NYC, around 150 people showed up at the rug department at Macy's and told the clerks that they were a communal group from New Jersey, and that they were interested in purchasing a new "love rug" for the warehouse in which they lived.
A few months ago, I talked on my blog about cacophany societies, which are dedicated to spreading weirdness by throwing strange gatherings such as "bad Santa Claus outfit" parties, or by stunts such as filling teddy bears with cement and leaving them around town.
Hello all, yesterday was a "perfect Duluth day" for me.. just wanted to say hello and good luck overseas Scotty...... once again you venture out across the globe while I hold down the fort.
I am in the home stretch of packing and preparing my household for two weeks on its own. Yesterday was suprisingly great. I normally dislike any sort of holidays except Thanksgiving, which is my favorite. I rode my bike to my favorite beach and dipped in the ice cold waters of Lake Superior. I even enjoyed watching all the families stuff themselves with light beer and hot dogs.
Last night was spent with friends on a deck with a million dollar view. We could see 3 different fireworks displays and several illegal displays as well.
Now I must finish packing. I will be using this site for my Low tour diary entries. I'll try to get some pics of the Radiohead guys.
After the Low show and Starfire lounge last night several of us headed down to Park Point for the time honored tradition of late night skinny-dipping. This is occasionaly brought to an abrupt end by a visit from the man. We were only having a bonsai fire but the wine was gone and dawn was threatening to beat us on the head.
I have seen many Low shows over the years but tonight they were firing on 9 cylinders. Mr. Zak Sally even busted out some dance moves. Italy here we come.
Just got home from the Low sound check. Karla Schickele of Ida and Beekeeper is performing with them. Karlas dad is Peter Schickele of PDQ Bach fame. Hope to see some of you there.
- Monster seen off Duluth Entry's Southern Pier. - Mother throughout city: "I don't care if they are legal... no fireworks!" - "Weatherwise" it's a perfect duluth day. - Duluth Port Authority: "Man, is the lake blue today, or what. Seriously." - Local non-resident aliens: "Fourth of July? What? Day after the Third of July?" - Tourists: "Wow, we've never seen a bridge do that before. You sure are lucky." - Neighborhood punks hit hard by tax cut. Parents won't pass savings on for dumb-ass baggy pants. - Local merchant Hot Topic... In Cyrillic: pronounced notoryys... approximate translation: lawyer. - Kids still think "William A. Irvin" is a pirate ship. In reality... the George Stinson is.
1. I am from Austin, MN. home of Hormel. When they kill the pigs, there is a very oppresive smell in certain parts of town. I like that smell. I also like the smell of a good skunk spray on a humid summer night.
2.In 6th grade I was appointed to the crossing guard patrol in the midst of a pornography scandal. Several quality patrol members were fired after looking at a Playboy. Little did they know I was the one who brought it to school. I still feel a little bad about it.
3. I have completed one Ironman Triathlon. I was 17. You can do anything when you are 17.
4. My goal is to have all of my furniture on wheels.
5. I prefer my Tuna packed in water over oil.
6. I keep track of all my gas purchases. Miles-location of purchase-price per gallon-quantity-total amt.
7. Red is fast becoming my favorite color. Orange is still #1, Green #2 but that red is winning me over.
8. I have had premonitions of peoples deaths. Watch out.
Look at the way literature from one field can easily be translated into another field. Take for instance, the newsletter published daily concerning the ship arrivals and departures entitled, "Duluth Shipping News." The following excerpts are taken from this publication.
"She is a self-unloader built by the American Shipbuilding Company at Lorain, Ohio in 1981. She is 1,031 feet, 6 inches long and as 36 hatches on deck that open into 5 cargo compartments. She has a maximum carrying capacity of 67,500 tons. She can unload that cargo with the use of a 260-foot self-unloader mounted on her deck." Translated for brothel literature: "She has a hot bod that is ready and willing for action. She is just licking her lips waiting to show you what she can do."
"She is the flagship of the Interlake Steamship Company in Cleveland, generally considered the 'classiest' laker sailing today. You will often see 'important looking' people on board." Translated for brothel literature: "She is the flagship of the Interlake Steamship Company in Cleveland, generally considered the 'classiest' laker sailing today. You will often see 'important looking' people on board." Reference: Newhams, Kenneth. (2003, June 30). Duluth Shipping News. Duluth, MN: Lake Superior Marine Museum Assoc.
1. Your linking to Jeff Rense. 2. Jeff Rense? That's... man... wow... Rense.
3. I watched "Midnight Express" this weekend. As usual, I can't seem to scrub the fear off of me. Why is that the opening music for "Coast to Coast AM"?
Technology scares the bejeezus out of me. I have a feeling that today - for numerous reasons - will be the metaphysical conceit to "Is it on... am I coming through?" I still don't trust calculators. Also, go to and not be terrified of computers after that. G*dd*amned hyperlinky... gah!
Right now, the office so dark it feels like it's night. There are crows fighting in the alley outside my window. I've got no work in my inbox, a screen full of blog in front of me, plans for a lunch date, and I'm wearing a shirt with a picture of the space shuttle on it. Life is very, very good.
Good morning. I have a feeling I won't get anything accomplished today. My plane for Europe leaves on Saturday and I have a mile-long list of tasks to complete. I guess I will start with some lawn mowing. must-tear-self-away-from-computer.
This site makes extensive use of cascading style sheets and JavaScript, and will probably look awful on systems that do not allow such fancy technology. Also, it probably looks better on version 6.x browsers, and monitors with 1024x768 resolution.