Perfect Duluth Day

Mystery Photo: Duluth Residence in 1910

Based on the postmark and the last line of the scrawled message on the back, we might presume this image is of a Duluth house in 1910. What is the address? Is it still standing? Let the mystery solving begin.

There might be clues on the back of the card, but some of it is difficult read.

It’s clear the card was sent to Miss Clara Hulebak of Kenyon, Minn. Below is the text of the message, but some parts haven’t been deciphered.

Duluth, December 27, 1910
My dear niece Clara, I received your very pretty present and many thanks for it. Hope you got that box in time for Xmas and hope you all had nice Christmas time down there. We enjoyed a very pleasant time. George and Allice were out and spent the day [???]. Wishing you all a happy new year from your loving Aunt [???]. The picture on this card is [???].