Perfect Duluth Day

Jonathan Richman – “They’re Not Tryin’ on the Dance Floor”

Jonathan Richman, founder of famed proto-punk band the Modern Lovers, dropped a Duluth reference on his third solo album, 1991’s Having a Party with Jonathan Richman.

The Duluth mention comes in the final verse:

They’re not movin’ very much
They just have that certain touch
And that’s really all there is to it
If they don’t feel it they won’t do it
Like Centralia or Duluth
Well they’re tellin’ ya the truth
They’re not tryin’ on the dance floor no
They’re just movin’ slow
They’re not tryin’ much there on the floor
And they’re movin’ me more

Bonus footage below: Richman performs “They’re Not Tryin’ on the Dance Floor” in 1991 on the British television program Riverside, shot at the alternative music venue Riverside in Newcastle upon Tyne.