Perfect Duluth Day

Select Images from Denfeld’s 1938 Oracle

Fly high, Duluth! Senior Ralph Eisenach takes a running broad jump.

A pair of young ladies aim for their target; Junior Lawrence L. Korda displays his pole vaulting skills.

If you were to stand at this same spot on 44th Avenue West today you’d see all of the same houses, but with full-grown trees.

Denfeld cagers Ralph Tostrup, Lawrence  Korda and Bob Ignatius.

Under the advisement of Mr. Frank Englehart, Denfeld’s chess club was a small group because the supply of chess boards was limited. Seated are John Forsman, James Johnson and Floyd Michelson. Standing are William Engwall, Paul Lindgren, Walter Gunderson, Howard Johnson and Kenneth Johnson.

They don’t make ’em like they used to — bikes, cars, houses and girls.

Another shot from Denfeld’s front lawn on 44th Avenue West.

These sophomores look like they want to be Donald Trump’s apprentice. Left to right: James Sommers (class president), Dorothy Sundstrom (VP), Roger Ostdahl (secretary) and Anna Moline (treasurer).