Perfect Duluth Day

Annual reminder: Stay off muddy trails in spring

Duluth’s Parks and Recreation Division has put forth its annual reminder that all natural-surface trails are closed until further notice due to wet soil conditions from the annual spring thaw.

So, where should people hike in April?

Until natural-surface trail conditions improve, the main three walking options the city offers are the Duluth Lakewalk, Cross City Trail and Western Waterfront Trail, which are paved or gravel trails that are open throughout the year.

A pair of good options in Superior are the 1.6-mile blacktop Millennium Trail in the Superior Municipal Forest and the 5-mile gravel Osaugie Trail along the Superior Bay.

In the past, Perfect Duluth Day has asked readers for other hard-surface hiking options. Our favorite comes from John Ramos: “Around and around the third level of Enger Tower.”

Other options are the beaches on Minnesota and Wisconsin points, Skyline Parkway (particularly on the western end past the barrier, which is closed to auto traffic), the roads around the Antenna Farm and the paved driveways at cemeteries.

For the up-to-date trail conditions and notifications, visit