Perfect Duluth Day

Pants-on-Pants Kickstarter

Two weeks ago the Duluth News Tribune told the story of Jeffrey Xu, an engineer designing a new airplane for Cirrus Aircraft … and also designing a “jacket for the legs.” Now there’s a week left in Xu’s Kickstarter campaign, and he’s got $15,000 to go to fund his “Pants-on-Pants” enterprise.

The DNT explains Xu’s process for creating the “world’s only convenient snow pants”

Instead of just dealing with the cold, Xu set out to find a solution. He designed a pair of snow pants that he can put on as quickly as a jacket when he’s walking out the door. An engineer with two master’s degrees and a doctorate from Stanford University, he approached the idea like an engineer and spent more than a year designing, testing and retesting the pants until every detail worked to his satisfaction.