Perfect Duluth Day

Duluth Man on the Street circa 1994

The low quality of this video is not just because it’s 20 years old; it’s also because I was the camera man and I probably neglected to white balance or something.

The low quality of the content is because it’s all made up on the spot. My then-UWS classmate Trent Jameson simply asked me to go shoot some video of people on Superior Street with him.

We move around a little bit, but the end location is the old parking lot across the street from the Electric Fetus, which is now where Pizza Lucé is located.

I don’t know who the interview subjects are, except that the first guy says his name is Fred York, and the woman at the end is Mary Jo Kroska. About two years after this video was shot, Mary Jo and I became colleagues at the Budgeteer News. These days she is an account executive at the Northland’s NewsCenter.