Perfect Duluth Day

Snazzy Winter-time Stationery

Perched on the scandalously beautiful hillside of Duluth – where winter can reign – this winter-time stationery was cooked up out of a love for the quirky side of life and the delight it brings. It also was designed and printed in our Zenith City and even features a design of our harbor, illustrated with pizazz by moi.

Each packet contains ten cards and their ten glitzy, metallic envelope counterparts, as well as a bonus card to send to your crotchety neighbor, 2nd grade best friend, long-lost pen pal or the guy kitty-corner to your cubicle. Because, well, everyone loves to be delighted!

I have high hopes that these cards will brighten mailboxes, make mantles sparkle and bring a lilt of joy to the hearts of people who receive them, all winter long.

Check them out on Etsy.