Perfect Duluth Day


This popped up in my Facebook feed.

I mean, Master Card’s little contest might pale in comparison to the intense fervor, Duluthophilia, I call it, that some of us have for this town. Heck, this blog is basically all about how great we think we are (except for the bitching posts, which are still pretty much about how great we think we are.)

I’d love to hear some of your little things that you love about Duluth, whether you use the Master Charge incorporated #LoveThisCity hashtag on social media or not, share them here, will you?

My contributions to Duluthophilia are modest, this hasn’t been updated much lately but I do have a little Pinterest board by that name and I have some images and things there that scream “I love Duluth.” Duluth-o-philia

Also, again I have not done much of this lately, but I am an avid watcher of the #dlh hashtag on twitter, which all the cool social media Duluth-o-philes use.

So, who’s up for a Duluth love fest?