Perfect Duluth Day

Photog seeking props

I’m working on a little side project, more or less some product shots. I’m looking to borrow a few items that I haven’t been able to turn up while thrifting which has been mind boggling seeing as how they are pretty common items. Well, for the most part. I think I should only need these for a day, two tops.

If you have any of the mentioned items it would be suuuuper cool if you emailed me a cell pic; they need to be relatively specific. nlindstromphoto at gmail


The list-


One scalpel. Must be relatively plain looking, no rust please. Found!







One “vintage” tape recorder. Doesn’t need to work, but decent condition preferred. Super excited to have found this one!







This one is tough: Four glass milk bottles. Must be SQUARE. And cleanish.







One “vintage”  wooden salad bowl, size large. I’m not sure if these were actually made of wood? I just need the big fella. Got it!







A matching set of knife and fork of antique design.  I need something ornate looking, in very good condition. Sourced!







One commercial coffee mug. I can’t believe I can’t find one of these.







Long shot is an understatement for this one.  If anyone has a Frogger machine please email me for details. I won’t get lengthy with this one. I won’t get my hopes up either.







I might add a few more items as they come up, thanks for any help!