Perfect Duluth Day

A man/woman/city is known by the company he/she/it keeps.

Finding 101 things to do in Duluth through anonymous means is not hard — of my ninety-nine problems, Google running out of suggestions isn’t one. So, the generous feedback on PDD has been wonderful (thank you so much, by the way), if not a touch overwhelming. Forget January — all these personal recommendations could fuel an entire lifetime in Duluth. For the rest of the month, I’ll continue to chase after as many Duluth experiences as I can, but on PDD I’d like to pivot my questions slightly.

To really wrap my head around Duluth, I’m going to need conversations and people, and I think this is the right place to seek those. Recommendations and maybe some invitations? Here are a few questions to start:

(1) Who is the best storyteller you know in Duluth? And I don’t mean that in a “who is the most polished stage performer” kind of way — I mean, of the people you know, when you’re at the kitchen table after dinner, who tells the stories that make you laugh/think/react the deepest?

(2) What are some sayings/maxims/cliches/proverbs/aphorisms/truisms/localisms/apophthegems about Duluth and the people who live here in particular? I’d love to hear extant wisdom, or if you’re feeling motivated/creative, you can make up your own originals (it might be fun!). If an apple a day wards off doctors, what keeps Duluthians away? If Duluthians were horses, what would beggars do? When in Duluth, do as …

(3) Finally, what is the best single standup arcade game in Duluth? I’d really like to test out some hypotheses.

P.S. I’ve started a Facebook page where I’m going to start asking a steady stream of questions. If you fancy yourself an ace Duluthian and generous sharer, think about giving that page a follow.