Perfect Duluth Day

Seed Math digital reissue

Over a year in 2003-2004, I put out four limited-edition Seed Math albums, one every three months, each corresponding to a season. The music was mostly a hodgepodge of four-track fuckery, kinda like Ween or something. I’m rereleasing all four of these in digital format as a run-up to the release of the new Seed Math album (coming sometime before summer). These rereleases will all be free for the taking. The first of four is out now. Please, won’t you expose your taste buds to this Whitman’s Sampler of lo-fi Casio-rock jams? And, if you like any of it, tell a pal?

RIYL: Ween, NIN, Beatles, Melvins, Zappa, Beck, Flaming Lips, shit like that.

See you later.