Perfect Duluth Day

Artist’s Way

Come Walk in this World

Starting January 30, 2010
2:30-4:30 pm
at Jitters
102 W. Superior St.

The Artist’s Way is “A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self” by Julia Cameron. By utilizing three basic tools and completing weekly tasks, this course opens the blocked artist to greater possibilities and renewed enthusiasm regarding their works, whether it be written, visual, musical, or dance. Cameron’s essays help demonstrate and inspire the principles at work, and her words are gentle nudges towards accepting creativity as a spiritual process. Walking In This World is the second guidebook along Artist’s Way, providing tools for the artist to function in the “Real World” while achieving artistic dreams and goals. It is not necessary to have read or participated in Artist’s Way to benefit from this workshop.

This group will meet for 12 sessions, loosely guided by The Artist’s Way Walking In This World. Individual input from members will help form and expand the meetings to be a dynamic experience.

Class size limited! Pre-registration required.

Supplies: Text: Walking In This World by Julia Cameron is highly suggested, but not mandatory to participate in the group. Please bring a journal/blank book/notebook, writing implements, glue stick, scissors, markers/crayons, and used magazines to the first session.
Cost: Artist’s Way is free, though free-will donations are greatly appreciated to cover room fee, materials and supplies.

Session 1: Introduction: Basic Tools & Discovering A Sense of Origin
Session 2: Discovering A Sense of Proportion
Session 3: Discovering A Sense of Perspective
Session 4: Discovering A Sense of Adventure
Session 5: Discovering A Sense of Personal Territory
Session 6: Discovering A Sense of Boundaries
Session 7: Discovering A Sense of Momentum
Session 8: Discovering A Sense of Discernment
Session 9: Discovering A Sense of Resiliency
Session 10: Discovering A Sense of Camaraderie
Session 11: Discovering A Sense of Authenticity
Session 12: Discovering A Sense of Dignity & Closure

Facilitator: Amanda Sundin
Contact: to pre-register.