Perfect Duluth Day

No-Bull Prize and anti-war march Thursday 12/10

A coalition of student activists from LSC, UMD and CSS have called for an anti-war protest in Duluth on Thursday, the day President Obama is scheduled to receive his Nobel Peace Prize. “You’ve got your prize, now earn it!” is the theme… they’ll be calling out the new Nobel Laureate on escalating the war in Afghanistan, as well as his recent decisions to launch more drone attacks inside Pakistan and station hundreds of US troops on the other side of the globe in Colombia.

No dreary speakers at this protest, just a little noise and fun street theater. Meet up at 4:30 PM at Lake and Superior in front of the Christmas… um, Holiday tree. Bring drums or buckets to bang on, and reflective clothes if you’ve got ’em for safety’s sake. And be ready to take it to the streets.