Perfect Duluth Day

Historical Documents of the Vista Fleet

Old adverts for Vista excursion-boat tours of the harbor tell us something about why people would visit Duluth and take the boat tour — to see the ships from around the world. The lake and the city skyline mattered less than the almost cosmopolitan dimensions of the Vista experience.

Does anyone know when the Vista went from a primarily Superior base to a primarily Duluth one?

From Leisure, Travel & Mass Culture: The History of Tourism, a database that “provides an in-depth look at the evolution of British and American working class tourism from c.1850 to 1980.” These images are from the Anspach Travel Bureau Collection of Tourism Literature, 1936-2014 at the John W. Hartman Center, Duke University.  (Copyright of this material is retained by the content creators. John W. Hartman Center, Duke University does not claim to hold any copyrights to these materials.)