Perfect Duluth Day

Postcard from the Ski Tournament at Duluth in 1910

This postcard was mailed to Mrs. May Hagberg two years after the ski tournament shown in the image. The postmark is Feb. 15, 1912.

The message reads:

Dear Mae! I am in Duluth. Tried to telephone this P.M. but couldn’t get you. I would like to see you as soon as possible. Call up. Thomas Abernathy on the new phone call for Mrs. Galloway. Elsa lives across the street but we’ll get there. I leave for N.D. Monday.

And what about the ski tournament? For that we turn to the Duluth Evening Herald of the time.

The article in the Feb. 12 Herald reports:

Many of the riders who will compete in the big ski tournament this afternoon have reached the city, and all is in readiness for the big event. The slide is in very good shape, and officials of the club are confident that the American record will go by the boards this afternoon. The best professionals and amateurs of the Northwest, practically the same riders that will compete at the national tournament at Coleraine, will compete in the events today.

Herman Larson, Superior; Jacob Holm, Cass Lake; Olaf Larsen, Duluth; Doug Dela, Chippewa Falls; Elling Diesen, Duluth; Knute Helland, Chippewa Falls; O. L. I. Sween, Duluth; Oscar Gunderson, Chippewa Falls; August Nordby, Superior; John Evenson, Duluth; Ole Fiering, Duluth; Nels K. Brekke, Duluth; Carl Ek, Red Wing; Anders Haugen, Chippewa Falls; Olaf Thomasson, Duluth; John Mangseth, Duluth; Chris Overby, St. Paul; Tollef Hemmestvedt, Eau Claire; George Thompson, Red Wing; Jacob Gjestad, Staughton; Ole Nordby, Superior; Fred Iverson, Red Wing; France Kempe, Red Wing; Lars Haugen, Chippewa Falls.

Ingolf Sand, Minneapolis; Sigurd Karlson, Coleriane; Sigurd Bergersen, Virginia; E. S. Hendrum, Duluth; Arnold Olson, Duluth; Elmer Jackson, Hibbing; Casper Anderson, Duluth; Martin Boe, Superior; Harold Landry, Duluth; George Jacobsen, Duluth; Alfred Tangen, Chippewa Falls; Guy Delong, Chippewa Falls; Lawrence Kap, Hibbing; Mangus Erickson, Duluth; Ed Bergslien, Superior; Albert Sands, Chippewa Falls; Bennett Embertson, Hibbing; Craney Jacobson, Hibbing; F. Flaherty, Chippewa Falls; Ingvald Hendricksen, Eau Claire; Haakon Bergesen, Virginia; O. I. Grinden, Duluth; Nels Floan, Duluth; Alec Munter, Hibbing; Don McDonald, Chippewa Falls; Barney Riley, Coleraine; Axel Bergsen, Duluth.