Perfect Duluth Day

We’re feeling used

Perfect Duluth Day hit a seemingly significant, though maybe not legitimately significant, milestone recently when it crossed the threshold of having 2,000 registered users.

Registered users, of course, are the people who have created an account on this site and are able to create posts and comment on posts. (Anyone can read PDD, but in order to be involved in discussions here you must create an account and log in.)

In recognition of 2,000+ users, we present a bunch of yammering, er, useful information, about PDD user accounts. Call it answers to frequently or not-so-frequently asked questions.

Why aren’t we jumping up and down in celebration of PDD’s 2,000th user account? Well, we’re pretty sure about 5 percent of our users are spammers who haven’t revealed themselves as spammers yet. Every day we have to remove a handful of user accounts after spammers attempt to create posts titled something like “The Best Strategies For Effectively Reducing Acne,” or “All you have to Are familiar with Trademark Registration Presently.”

Is there any chance legitimate accounts have been deleted during the trashing of the spam? Yes, we know this has happened at least once and suspect it may have happened more than once. Please e-mail help @ if you ever have trouble logging in. If your e-mail address happens to be at all similar to hotseopackage @ or anything345 @ we can pretty much guarantee it got dumped.

Does PDD have spam filters that might be preventing legitimate users from creating an account? Why yes, we do. A handful of people have contacted us in recent months mentioning that they keep getting a prompt to type their e-mail address after they have already entered it. That happens when the spam filter doesn’t like your e-mail address. If it happens to you, e-mail help @

Does PDD reject a lot of posts from legitimate users? We wouldn’t say “a lot,” but we do reject about one per day. If you read PDD’s blogging policies you’ll see we explain in great detail what kind of posts we disapprove of. We do try to e-mail people when we reject a post, but sometimes rejected posts come in clumps and we just throw up our hands, delete them and move on.

For those of us too lazy to read your long-winded policies, what are the three main reasons you reject posts? 1) It’s an event announcement that should have been submitted to the PDD Calendar instead of the blog. 2) It comes off like advertising copy and makes us feel icky, even if it’s about something we like. 3) It has nothing to do with Duluth at all.

What about the questions not answered here? If you are a registered user, you can ask away in the comments to this post. If you are not a registered user, or even if you are, you can e-mail help @

So, with all that out of the way, we’ll just add that although we can’t legitimately get all celebratory about having 2,000 users, we’ll still throw out a meek cheer and say thanks to those of you — however many you are in number — who keep this site humming along with your Duluth wisdom.

Have yourselves a happy New Year.