Perfect Duluth Day

My Crackberry cracked up!

So, Research in Motion is in all likelihood on its way out in the near future. This bodes ill for me as I’m the proud(?) owner of a 9330.

In reality, I love my BlackBerry. It’s tough and reliable … although it’s difficult to get workable apps these days.

That said, my phone did take a damaging fall (down, but not out) which killed the LCD. I’ve got a white screen after boot up which didn’t change after several attempts and “tricks” in an attempt to correct the situation. (Battery removal, MicroSD card removal, etc.) I know it’s not the op system, as the phone still works.

Given the current state of RIM, I’m going to be looking for a new phone sooner rather than later, but financials aren’t in my favor or I’d simply replace the damned thing with a nice HTC.

What I do need is a used and out-of-commission BlackBerry of similar make so that I might be able to swap out the LCD and extend the life of my phone for a little while longer. This also requires a T6 driver, which I also need.

If anyone has one that they might be willing to part with for … well, free would be nice … I’d be most appreciative.

Since I’m unable to check my email via my phone, I’ll just have to keep an eye out here.

Thanks in advance!