Perfect Duluth Day

Obscure Duluth Logomania

Nicole Meyer came up with the creative project of making a logo for every lake in Minnesota. At one logo every day, she figures it will take her 27 years to finish.

In the spirit of that, it might be interesting to see what kind of logos Duluthians could come up with for places like Goat Hill or Casket Quarry.

So here’s an open invitation to consider your favorite people, places and things in Duluth that no one would ever consider commissioning a logo for, and make one. How about a logo for “The Path” – the place across the street from Morgan Park Middle School where kids go to smoke? For the zip code 55812? For Restormel Street? Pick your favorite noun and go for it. The more obscure the better. Upload them to the comments of this post.

This is not a competition, it is only an exhibition. Please refrain from using the word “branding” at any point. That word makes everyone sick.