Perfect Duluth Day

Local Gaming Business in Dire Straits

A few weeks ago, I posted that I wished that businesses in need of help to make it through a rough patch would tell us, so we could eat there more often or buy more goods. Today, I got this message.

We would like to thank the wonderful gaming & comic community for another year serving all of you in Downtown Duluth. However as 2011 has been a tough year sales wise and the store is in a bit of a bind. Now as when we got started, Dragon Port needs to make an appeal to the community to give us a hand.

We have started a 20% sale to increase sales but we know that in itself may not be enough. We need you to help us out this holiday season. In the next 5 weeks in order to fend off some serious negative changes to the store we need to have a big sales month. If this doesn’t happen, the future is bleak.

We have events like Friday Night Magic, Warhammer Fantasy Tourney (Dec. 3rd) Gaming & Comic Auction Dec. 10th, and Warhammer 40k Tourney (Dec. 17th) we would love to see you attend as well. 🙂

We love everything the gaming & comic community has done for us and we hate to ask for more but we have little choice. So if you enjoy our events, our staff, and everything we try to help bring to the gaming community. We need your purchases sooner rather than later.

Whatever happens, keep gaming, keep reading, and enjoy life.

If you are a gamer, a comic reader, or a fan of nerd culture, and you have the ability, give a gift from Dragon Port this holiday season. Hundreds of people use their game space, their free Wi-Fi, and their awesome staff every week. Show the love in return.