Perfect Duluth Day

Stop Being So Selfish

I love this site. I love how inquisitive everyone is. I love the willingness to share.

But I hate the “Advice” and “Recommendations” posts.

Over the course of the past few months we’ve seen:

Before I go any further I should clarify something. I don’t hate the people posting these questions. What I hate is the need to ask everyone on PDD.

Perfect Duluth Day is an amazing resource for all kinds of really great information, but is it really the best place to share all about your experience with different dog kennels, small engine mechanics, window installers, hair stylists, etc.? You might disagree … but I think you are all just being selfish with your insight.

My wife and I moved to Duluth a little over a year ago, and at the time we didn’t know anybody. We bought a new house in June 2010 and decided we wanted to have the windows replaced before winter. We did our best to research different area businesses, but were surprised to find virtually no insight from Duluthians on the most common places to look for such information. Google Reviews was bare. Angie’s List was bare. We didn’t know about PDD. We were in the dark.

After getting a few estimates we had a local business come in and do the work. Our experience with them was horrible. So what did I do? I reviewed them on Google and then I reviewed them on Angie’s List. I made my voice heard in the two places most people would think to look. Ten different people have stated on Google that my review was helpful. That makes me feel good.

For all of you who took time out of your day to help a Duluthian in need by posting about your experiences with a kennel, handyman, and brake mechanic, will you please consider sharing that same information on Google? Rather than being selfish by only sharing your thoughts with the people lucky enough to stumble on to Perfect Duluth Day, why not share with everyone using the internet trying to find the perfect kennel, the perfect handyman, and the perfect brake mechanic?

Take pride in your opinions. I do.