Perfect Duluth Day

Woot: “Pet Food” by Emily from Duluth

Duluth artist Emily Kuznia has another one of her quirky/cool designs in the Woot Shirt Derby for Oct. 20. That means you can order one of these puppies anytime today and they are only 10 bucks. If enough people order … here’s where I get foggy … Emily will win some kind of awesome prize or accolades. So Nettleton-Central-Hillsiders-Duluthians and anyone else who may have some tie to Emily please take a look and get yourself a shirt. Oh and if you don’t have a tie why not just do it to give a cool young artist a leg up?

Christmas is just around the corner and these will make great stocking stuffers for just ten bucks (free shipping).

Survival of the Funnest is another one of Emily’s Woot Shirt designs that I blogged about last December.

UPDATE: 11/4/11

Here’s another one, she’s on a roll, I guess. “I’m here to the Rescue .. uh … Never Trust a Princess”

"I'm here to the rescue .. uh ... never trust a princess"