Perfect Duluth Day

Survival of the Funnest

Here’s another t-shirt gift idea for the person that has everything from former Duluthian Emily Kuznia. Emily lives in Florida now but she is a product of Duluth’s Central Hillside (began her artistic career at Nettleton, in fact). I was just thrilled to see that this t-shirt design of hers was a “derby” winner on

Ah crap … I guess you can’t buy it anymore, it’s a competitive t-shirt design site, and man are they ever competitive. Much to my own chagrin, it looks like her shirt was only available for a couple weeks, not nearly long enough for a procrastinator like me to get them into the various stockings that I host. But as long as I’ve gotten this far I might as well leave the post up, Hey, maybe it will generate enough demand to get more available. Or you could also contact Emily via her blog and tell her how cool the shirt is.