Perfect Duluth Day

Duluth Public Schools Website — A joke!

Anyone else find the Duluth Public Schools website absolutely abominable?

I had reason to call three elementary schools, one of which I needed the address for. Sure I could use my handy-dandy phone book — oh, wait, this is 2010 I don’t have a phone book! Not to mention I’m sitting at my desk, with my high-speed world wide web right here.

Seriously, it seems like somehow the technical courses at the high school level should be able to put together a website that does more with fewer clicks than the website our fine public schools put together.

It should be no wonder that I have no idea what is going on at my kid’s school: I can’t even figure out the phone number from the web page without three new tabs opening. Luckily I’ve got a lot going for me: I’m on a high-speed connection, I have a decent computer and I have a PhD (which by definition implies that I am decent at persisting to solve dumb problems that most people pass right by).