Perfect Duluth Day

Gnar of the Gnorth: Duluth Outlaw 2010

Friday marks the kick-off of the third annual Duluth Outlaw, recently renamed “Gnar Of The Gnorth.” Each year, longboarders from all walks of life and areas of the Midwest travel to participate in this three-day downhill skateboarding event.

These aren’t your typical “skateboard punks scaring tourists in front of Amazing Grace” skateboarders. These respectful, responsible riders range from the dad next door who likes a little extra action in his life to the college student who is getting a break from his debt-digging education.

Three race courses, three skill levels, three winners. As always, helmets are required or no riding is allowed. Other safety gear, such as knee pads, elbow pads, and slide gloves are highly recommended.

Over the past few years, this event has gone from a dozen riders getting together to tackle these hills to a full-fledged competition, sponsors and all. Over a dozen longboard companies, magazines, skate shops, and other national brands have contributed swag this year, including complete board set-ups, wheels, decks, shirts, and other gear. Whether you’re a casual commuter getting from Point A to Point B, or a hardcore balls-to-the-wall downhiller, you’re welcome to join. After all the riding, we’ll have a nice grill & chill at Park Point. Again, all are invited to share the stoke!

The organizer of this annual event, Tyler Nelson, is a local Duluth student, rider, and owner of a longboard manufacturing company, Endless Summer Longboards. Contact him if you’d like to get involved in this year’s event!