Perfect Duluth Day

Oct 24 Int’l Day of Climate Action

Last year, NASA’s James Hansen issued a devastating report on climate change, concluding that any amount of CO2 in the atmosphere above 350 parts per million (ppm) is not compatible “with a planet upon which civilization developed, or to which life on Earth has adapted.” Problem is, we’re already at 389ppm and rising.

If we don’t reverse course fast, we’re toast.

October 24 will see the largest international coordinated climate action in history — 4,000 events in 174 countries and Antarctica — all putting pressure on world leaders to take bold action to address the crisis at their December climate talks in Copenhagen, and get back under 350. is collecting photos of all of these events to present to the UN. Help us make a good showing in the Twin Ports.

The rally kicks off tomorrow at 3 p.m. on the Harbor side of the DECC. Bike if you can, because after a couple speakers police chief Gordon Ramsay and the anarchists down at the Bike Cave are going to lead a group ride through Canal Park (there’s a walking/kiddie route, too). We’ll meet back up at exactly 3:50 for a big group photo at Endion Beach (I don’t know what else to call it … the armpit of the lake? Y’know, the rocky beach behind the Canal Park “Lodge”).

If you’re up for more fun, check out today’s waltz-in at 4. More details on everything at