Perfect Duluth Day

So, what’s your take on Dylan’s Christmas album?

Much has been written the past few days about Bob Dylan’s new Christmas album.

Anyone here in his birthplace care to weigh in?

MinnPost has excerpts from and links to a number of reviews, and I… kind of agree with all of them. The cuts I’ve heard are at once intolerable, endearing, surreal, hilarious…

If you have not heard any of the songs yet, you can hear “Must Be Santa” on Dylan’s Web site. Click on “Read the Story” in the “Christmas in the Heart” box on the right side. Then scroll down for the link to the audio on the left side. Enjoy the fast-paced accordions.

And, there is a medley of song clips here.

Whatever people think of it, he’s donating the royalties to charity – so from that perspective, it’s a great album.