Perfect Duluth Day

Setting the record straight

The best song by the Replacements is “I’m in Trouble” from  Sorry Ma, Forgot To Take Out The Trash. The best song by AC/DC is “Back in Black” from Back in Black. The best song by Ol’ Yeller is “Sulfur” from Nuzzle, and the best from the Glenrustles is “3 Perverts” from some Shaky Ray comp.  G’n’R’s best song is, of course, “Paradise City”, but mainly because of Slash’s guitar freak-out at the end. We all know that the best song featuring a sample from the theme song to “Sanford & Son” is “Old Man” by Masta Killer, featuring ODB and the RZA.

“Six Days”, “Dean’s Dream”, “Tacoland” and “Take Me Apart” are all tied as being the Dead Milkmen’s best songs, which means either a) the Dead Milkmen are really good at making mediocre songs I like or b) the Dead Milkmen are really good at making a bunch of really good songs.

Finally, I’m sure we can all agree that the best song ever is “Debaser” by the Pixies, from Doolittle.