Perfect Duluth Day

Winter weekly events

Hey, howdy! I’m working on putting together the weekly events for December through February for the PDD Calendar.

If you have or know of a weekly event that you’d like to publicize on the calendar for that period, please let me know and send me a picture related to that event. Mention in the description how long the event should run.

Here’s the weekly list I’m working off of right now. If you know if any of these are being discontinued let me know. And, please, feel free to add to the list.

Sunday: Open Mic (Thirsty Pagan), Pub Quiz (Carmody), Cribbage (Burrito Union), Fencing (Lotus Center), Pathfinder (Dungeon’s End), Kaijudo (Dungeon’s End), Heroclix Tournament (Rogue Robot)

Monday: Improv Class (Renegade), Sellers Auction, Monday Night Player’s Club (Fitger’s Brewhouse), Mondays with the Mayor (City Hall), Billy Barnard (Dubh Linn), Board Game Night (Rogue Robot), Magic: the Gathering (Dungeon’s End), Warmahordes (Dungeon’s End), Chris Kelly (Carmody)

Tuesday: Chris Clemens and Wild Bill (TPB), DJ Kevin Craig (Red Star), Billy Barnard (Dubh Linn), Lunch Break Tai Chi (Lotus Center), Open Mic (Sir Ben’s), Pathfinder Society (Dungeon’s End), Jim Hall (Carmody)

Wednesday: The Local (KUMD), Bluegrass Music (Sir Ben’s), Open Mic (Beaner’s), Taylor Tengwall (Red Star), Battle of the Sexes Trivia (Dubh Linn), Marc Gartman (Lake Ave.), Meat Raffle and Poker (Rustic), Mud Puppies (Carmody), Maxi Childs Trio (Black Water), Casual Magic: EDH/Commander Format (Rogue Robot), Dungeon & Dragons Encounters (Dungeon’s End), Heroclix (Collector’s Connection), Casual Card Game Day (Dungeon’s End), Dungeon & Dragons Encounters (Rogue Robot)

Thursday: Stand-Up Showcase (Teatro), Celtic Music (Sir Ben’s), Big Wave Dave (Rex), Nordic Auction, Maxi Childs Trio (Black Water), Billy Barnard (Dubh Linn), DJ A.D. (Aces on First), World of Warcraft TCG (Dungeon’s End), Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Command (Dungeon’s End), Magic: the Gathering – Commander (Collector’s Connection), Aurora Baer (Carmody)

Friday: Renegade Improv (Teatro), Comedy Open Mic (Dubh), Parkinson’s Dance Studio (UU Church), Maxi Childs Trio (Black Water), Friday Night Magic (Dungeon’s End), Friday Night Magic (Collector’s Connection), Friday Night Magic (Rogue Robot)

Saturday: Renegade Improv (Teatro), Jazz at the Toga (Saratoga), Figure Drawing (Pineapple), Maxi Childs Trio (Black Water), Magic Tournament (Rogue Robot), Magic Tournament (Collector’s Connection), Darin Bergsven (Pizza Lucé)