Perfect Duluth Day

MPIRG’s Week of Events

Monday, April 25:
An Evening with DeAnna Cummings: Arts for Social Change in MN, 6pm, UMD Kirby Rafters
Free, Open to the Public, Refreshments Provided.

DeAnna Cummings, Executive Director of Minneapolis-based Juxtaposition arts, has been involved with using the arts and culture for positive social, political, and economic change at both grassroots and policy levels. Join Ms. Cummings as she speaks about, and shows examples of, her work utilizing the arts for positive social change in MN, and discusses how they can be used as a powerful tool to engage young people, build community, and promote positive social, political, and economic change.

Tuesday April 26:
Bridge to the Community Event, 6pm, UMD Kirby Rafters
Free, Open to the Public, Refreshments Provided.

Join Liz Kuoppala, Executive Director of MN Coalition for the Homeless, and representatives from a number of social service agencies serving the Northland for an evening focused on the critical issue of homelessness in Duluth and Greater Minnesota. Hear directly from local service providers, learn about current legislative priorities, and find out how you can become a local advocate. Come be a part of the solution!

Wednesday April 27:
Until the Violence Stops Film Showing, 7pm, Kirby Lounge.
Free, Open to the Public. Co-Sponsored by WRAC.

Until the Violence Stops chronicles how Eve Ensler’s hit off-Broadway solo show The Vagina Monologues grew into V-Day, an international grassroots movement to stop violence against women and girls. The powerful film features emotionally charged interviews and readings by everyday and celebrity women, all of whom courageously reveal their intimate experiences and bond together to break the silence that surrounds abuse. Until the Violence Stops is a moving celebration of community awareness that leaves us with the hope that change can happen. The Vagina Monologues will be performed on campus that following Friday and Saturday. Contact WRAC for more information (

Rally for a Cause: CHUM, 8:30 pm, $5 ($1 off w/donation of non-perishable food item), 21+
The Rex (in the Fitger’s Complex)

Join MPIRG for a fun night of music benefiting a great local organization- Churches United in Ministry (CHUM). CHUM provides core social safety net programs which include emergency food, shelter, advocacy, and outreach to over 7,000 hungry, homeless and low-income people each year. Hope you can join us to support this great organization!
Preliminary set-list (Subject to change – More bands will be added):
Solidarity Hymn
The People Say Fox
Blue Water Dance