Perfect Duluth Day

Do Lutherans still adhere to the Augsburg Confession?

Have you felt confused about what it means to be a Lutheran today? Are you concerned about the direction of the Lutheran church? Do you yearn for the vibrant faith of yesteryear?

Come hear a review of the first 21 articles in the Augsburg Confession on Saturday, April 9. Pre-registration is suggested.

The presentation by Pastor David Norland will be from 10-11:30 a.m. at New Life Lutheran Church. The church meets at 4424 Venture Avenue in the Duluth Airpark. Light refreshments will be available.

The Augsburg Confession is the formative document of the Lutheran church, and will serve as the tool for measuring whether Lutherans today are faithful to the Lutheran Reformation. The review will clarify any confusion about what it means to be Lutheran.

New Life is a Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ church. LCMC is an association of congregations and individuals who are free in Christ, accountable to one another, rooted in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions, and working together to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations. New Life is a gospel-centered church that preaches the gospel and not politics.

Call the church office at 740-3597 to pre-register.