Perfect Duluth Day

You could win $100! Yes, it’s time once again to feed the PDD marketing weasel by taking a privacy-invading survey

PDDMarketingWeasel89457Every other year or so, Perfect Duluth Day conducts a survey of its readers in an effort to figure out who they are and what their deal is. To make up for the privacy invasion, we offer the chance to win $100 in a drawing, which convinces everyone to proceed without reservation or contempt.

The survey is now closed.

Why do PDD’s powers-that-be ignore their natural Minnesota Lutheran shame and prod you to disclose information that is none of their business? Because that’s how the vicious gears of capitalism work, you silly goose.

This survey will gather information that PDD’s marketing weasel can use to show other marketing weasels how this website is an ideal place to advertise certain products and services.

Rest assured, the intentions of this survey are entirely money-grabbing in nature, just as the rationale of participating in it should be. There are no plans to streamline content on PDD, based on survey results, in order to produce a highly targeted product that is perfectly tailored to your distinct demographic. PDD wouldn’t stoop that low. This is just about selling more of those little squares on the right of the page.

Your info won’t be shared with anyone, and you won’t be put on any spam list or further bothered in any way. It is Perfect Duluth Day’s policy to be as upfront and forthright as possible while taking advantage of you.

Thanks, and good luck in the drawing. This survey will run for two weeks; the drawing will take place on President’s Day.