Perfect Duluth Day

Duluth News Tribune: Online vs. Paper

I am looking for some advice regarding the Duluth New Tribune.  I recently stopped my paper subscription and am now reading the news online. 

My problem is the online edition seems very hard to navigate.  I feel that not all the daily stories are available online, or they may be hidden underneath one of the many tabs.   (I emailed the News Tribune about this and was told that all stories printed in the paper copy are available online but I recently compared them and did not find this true.)

I have also noticed that the stories are displayed in a list, with no separation between “today’s news” and other recent stories.  This has a tiring effect on my mind since I am seeing the same stories for days.

Can anyone recommend a good way to read online so the same information is gleaned, or is this not possible?  I may go back to the paper edition.