Perfect Duluth Day

Northland’s News Center? (the MLK version)

Actual Screen Shot of "black male" story from NNC story 9 am Today

Came here to post on this but I see dlhmn beat me to it with a comment on my earlier post Northland’s “News” Center?

DLHmn: Way to perpetuate stereotypes as if the victim’s race had something to do with him getting stabbed. And just in time for Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Comments are closed and many have been deleted. Someone made a mistake, she apologized sincerely and with integrity (below) and my interest in the matter has ended. I was inclined to just let all the comments go, because I love America, the constitution and freedom of speech. Plus, I found much of the discussion interesting, but it started to get too personal and even vulgar in some cases. And no I don’t mean you, Danny that is one of my favorite pieces of video, ever, anywhere, but I’m not sure how the reporter feels about it and I have decided that she’s taken enough hits for one day so … it’s gone. Please note that my intention in goal tending here is to avoid hurt feelings, not create them … and to avoid exposing PDD (and me) to a libel/defamation of character suit while I’m at it. So comments are closed. Ouch. I hope the tone that moved me to make this decision doesn’t spell a new trend for PDD. But that is a matter for another post.


JP Rennquist aka wildgoose