The good people of Duluth are celebrating their Dylan connection tonight. Thursday through Sunday bring a variety of arts events to the site of Dylan’s formative years up the road in Hibbing. Read more at the Dylan Days website or at the rolling updates at my blog. Yes, I’m an organizer of Dylan Days and yes this is shameless promotion. But we’re proud of our grassroots funtime (including music, literature and visual arts) and I wouldn’t be involved if it weren’t something special.
This year’s Dylan Days includes four authors (including, unfortunately, myself), the world premiere of the winning play from our one-act playwright contest, music from Scarlet Rivera (the violinist from “Hurricane” among other things), the singer/songwriter contest and much more.
Hibbing is 80 short miles from Duluth and if you crash in the backseat of your car this is a highly affordable experience. But rooms are available!