The Depolarizing Within Workshop is designed to foster skills to help you lessen the effects of polarization when you encounter them in your political conversations. Learn how to talk about large groups of ordinary people on the other side of the political aisle. To learn more and register, visit this link:
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The Depolarizing Within Workshop is designed to foster skills to help you lessen the...
The Duluth Economic Development Authority generally meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the City Council Chambers at Duluth City Hall. Agendas and minutes can be found at DEDA works to stimulate business investment, expand economic prosperity, grow the local tax base and strengthen public-private partnerships in the Duluth area. It is governed by seven commissioners made up of three city councilors and four citizens.
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The Duluth Economic Development Authority generally meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month...
Johnson, Minnesota's first female lieutenant governor, presents her new memoir Rise to the Challenge.
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Johnson, Minnesota's first female lieutenant governor, presents her new memoir Rise to the Challenge.
Former Tim Walz student Noah Hobbs is hosting a debate watch party for his former teacher at the Zeitgeist. Space is limited and registration is required to guarantee seating. Resver your spot at
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Former Tim Walz student Noah Hobbs is hosting a debate watch party for his...
Duluth's Charter Commission holds its annual meeting on the second Wednesday of October in the council chambers of Duluth City Hall. The commission acts on matters relating to the framing and amending of the Duluth City Charter. Regular meetings are held on the second Wednesday of January, April and July unless canceled by the president upon determining from the secretary that there will be no business to consider.
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Duluth's Charter Commission holds its annual meeting on the second Wednesday of October in...
Attendees can enjoy snacks and games with a representative from the local United Way chapter, learn what they do here in Duluth and find out how to be involved in their work. There will also be a Pictionary showdown with prizes. Register at to ensure that there will be enough materials for everyone.
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Attendees can enjoy snacks and games with a representative from the local United Way...
With the recent retirement of Judge Dale Harris a rare judicial election is on the ballot for Sixth Judicial District State Court Judge. This forum offers the opportunity to hear from both candidates -- Gunnar Johnson and Shawn Reed.
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With the recent retirement of Judge Dale Harris a rare judicial election is on...
Supporters of Donald Trump for President are meeting between 1-1:30 p.m. in the parking lot across from Duluth Heritage Sports Center/Seitz Arena, just west of Clyde Iron Works. This is a trailhead for the Cross City Trail. At 1:30 participants will march on the Duluth Cross City Trail to Canal Park and loop around Canal Park. They are instructed to stay on pedestrian walkways and crosswalks and not disrupt traffic. The march is about four miles. Attendees are encouraged to…
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Supporters of Donald Trump for President are meeting between 1-1:30 p.m. in the parking...
Community Officer Dana Letica reads stories in Barnes & Noble Court to children and there will be an opportunity to check out a real squad car up close. Also: giveaway bags for children (while supplies last) and special food court discounts.
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Community Officer Dana Letica reads stories in Barnes & Noble Court to children and...
Supporters of Donald Trump for President are meeting between 12:30-1 p.m. in the parking lot across from Duluth Heritage Sports Center, just west of Clyde Iron Works. The location is a trailhead for the Cross City Trail. At 1 p.m. participants will march on the Duluth Cross City Trail to Canal Park. The organizer encourages participants to show support by bringing signs to display and flags to fly. Using sturdy sign materials is suggested, along with avoiding negative messages. The…
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Supporters of Donald Trump for President are meeting between 12:30-1 p.m. in the parking...
Family relationships are becoming casualties of our toxic polarized environment. Family members are having nasty political arguments, avoiding each other, or even cutting off lifetime relationships. This workshop focuses on strategies to use while trying to keep the peace in family relationships when it comes to discussing politics or other values that may differ. To learn more and register visit
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Family relationships are becoming casualties of our toxic polarized environment. Family members are having...
The 20th-annual event in which Duluthians gather to eat homemade hotdishes and celebrate equitable abortion access in the community. Featuring live string music. $20 suggested donation.
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The 20th-annual event in which Duluthians gather to eat homemade hotdishes and celebrate equitable...
Christopher Preble, Senior Fellow and Director, Reimagining US Grand Strategy Program of Stimson Center, will offer a "reimagined" set of foreign policy perspectives that provide for the realities a changed new world order that the US no longer dominates. He argues that the US must embrace more "diplomacy, trade, and cultural agreements" instead of force and coercion if it wishes to maintain its own security.
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Christopher Preble, Senior Fellow and Director, Reimagining US Grand Strategy Program of Stimson Center,...
Dr. Jayson Iwen, Professor and Chair of the Department of Writing, Language and Literature at the University of Wisconsin-Superior, leads the audience on a photographic walking tour of contemporary Beirut and the nearby mountains, sharing images from his trip there last March. UMD Library Rotunda.
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Dr. Jayson Iwen, Professor and Chair of the Department of Writing, Language and Literature...