Thanks to everyone that showed up tonight! Just a reminder, beers are only $1 every Monday when I play at the Brewhouse. – Ryan
(I posted this using my iPhone)
Come see Duluth elitists Cars & Trucks this Saturday with Minneapolis’ Story of the Sea and Self Evident.
Neither Story of the Sea nor Self Evident have played Luce before, but I’ve heard they eat at the ones in Minneapolis so that earns them a spot in our clique, right?
Beaner’s has been kind enough to let me display roughly 40 new drawings and paintings. Reception is this Thursday @ 6:00. They’ll be up on the wall through February.
The EP will be a free download: “Bone Black: improvisations on amplified harmonica”, but you have to actually go to the reception to get the URL.
My good friends Clint Boylan and Toby Churchill will be playing music throughout the night as well. It’s really worth it just to see them.
Wait… Did I mention all of this is free?
p.s. (pdd 3.0 is nifty)
William Zantzinger, the former tobacco farmer and property fraudster who “killed poor Hattie Carroll,” as Bob Dylan famously sang, died in disgraced obscurity on Jan. 3.
New York Times: W. D. Zantzinger, Subject of Dylan Song, Dies at 69.