David Beard Posts

Local History Resources

I’m noticing a number of local history queries here. Don’t forget these local history resources:

Madrigal Dinner

Kate and I were randomly selected as Lord and Lady of the Madrigal Dinner at UUCD last night.

$31,732 in McKnight/ARAC Individual Artist Grants

In January, 2012, the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council awarded grants totaling $31,732 in the McKnight/ARAC Individual Artist Career Development Grants Program.

Arrowhead Regional Arts Council Grants

The Arrowhead Regional Arts Council approved on Jan. 19 grant applications totaling $64,000 to be awarded in Two-Year Administrative Support Grants.

A few hundred debate marriage for homosexual partners at UMD

On Feb. 6, at UMD, the Center for Ethics and Public Policy, directed by Shane Courtland, sponsored another in its series of events that bring the university and the community into dialogue about key issues of the day.

Call for Art: “Strange Objects”

Prøve Gallery announces an open call for submissions for the show “Strange Objects.”

Not Missing the Boat: CSAs in Duluth

I always wait until too late. Not this year!

What Community Shared Agriculture projects would you recommend? I’m an old, fat man who isn’t willing to work on the farm to cut his costs, and who is deathly afraid of programs that mandate that I go to a specific place within a 45 minute window once a month or lose my food.

What would you recommend?

Igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary, anthropic

Brian Klawiter taught an energetic class on the geology of our region at Denfeld High School last night. We learned about two dozen new terms for “rock” but more importantly, we came to understand the geologic processes that created the rocks around here…

Japanese on the North Coast

Last night, Kate and I attended our second cooking class with Miaki Habuka through Duluth Community Education.

Farewell, Newspaper Lady

The Newspaper Lady has died. When I moved here, I stubbornly continued to red MSP papers for a year. At every street festival, at every new student weekend on campus at UMD and LSC, she was there, giving out papers and tempting me with deals. After about four free papers and four smooth pitches, I became a DNT subscriber and never looked back.

Thank you, Newspaper Lady. You helped make Duluth home.

See: “Man held on suspicion of drunken driving in Duluth crash that kills woman, injures grandson” for details.

Art is defined by the space it creates, not the space it occupies.

The Window of Prøve Gallery

The Window of Prøve Gallery

Days when we owned media are numbered

The Blockbuster store on Central Entrance is closing; what video shops remain? See DNT.

How long until I won’t be able to own my media any more?

Explorations Abroad: China

This looks like fun. Some friends of mine are going. Deadline is on the horizon! –db

Poverty in Duluth

A public lecture by Dave Benson (executive director of the Damiano Center) happened to a standing-room only crowd at 5pm in the UMD Library Rotunda. I had to sit in the next room and listen intently.

Arrowhead Regional Arts Council Community Arts Learning Grants

The Arrowhead Regional Arts Council approved on October 20, 2011, grant applications totaling $22,220 to be awarded in Arts and Cultural Heritage Community Arts Learning Grants.

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