Is it live, or is it Memorex?
Gawd, I could waste hours on Flickr.
Gawd, I could waste hours on Flickr.
I shot this on Sunday, the last day at Chester Bowl for skiing/snowboarding. I’m still trying to dry out my kid’s snowboard boots.
This is mostly the crashing and burning, and to be fair, most of the skiers made it across just fine. But really, who wants to watch that? Success is boring.
Summer or winter, Chester Bowl is the best.
Ahhh spring. The time dog-owners dread. The snow melts, revealing the bounty of gifts Barfy has left for you in the backyard all winter long.
I found something that might be helpful for other dog people.
If you have one of these clamshell-type post hole diggers, it works quite well for extracting the poo from the snow and ice. And it’s better to get it now while it’s semi-frozen than in a few weeks when it’s almost liquid.
At that point, I recommend a pair of industrial-strength, chemical grade rubber gloves. Then you can just dig right in there and get ‘er done.
The Duluth Children’s Museum has an ongoing program called “Books Alive!” I’ll be doing a drawing workshop for kids (up to age 6) this Friday at 10:30 AM. At the Duluth Children’s Museum in the basement of the Depot.
From today’s Swap Shop:
SWAP: My knowledge and advice for oral Yiddish lessons. Kurt 218-xxx-xxxx Posted: 02/05/2009
SWAP: Briggs & Stratton push lawn mower. Will trade for 20 lbs of ham. 218-xxx-xxxx. Posted: 02/03/2009
I think it’s safe to say the Cramps were the most influential band of my life. I learned to play guitar listening and playing along with Songs the Lord Taught Us and Psychedelic Jungle. Which probably explains why I’m really not a very good guitar player.
Books by Tony Dierckens (Crossing the Canal) and Chris Monroe (Monkey with a Toolbelt) are finalists in the Minnesota Book Awards.
Huzzah and congratulations!