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Congratulations Senator.


Is that Marilyn McCoo?

Speaking of grads, sometime I would love to see a documentary on the slew of eclectically talented people that sort of germinated in St. Louis Park, MN in the sixties and seventies. Al Franken, Peter Himmelman, Ethan and Joel Coen, um ... Tom Friedman. Wasn't Jesse Ventura there, too? Can you imagine having gone to elementary or high school with those guys ... TOGETHER?

And I don't think it was something in the water, either, I think it has a lot to do with being a community oriented toward getting the best out of its kids from art, to politics, to sports, and beyond.

Just another wild, closet radical, hair brained theory of mine. It started with the premise that so many of my favorite baby boomers came from SLP, I've never even been there before, myself ...

Speaking of grads, sometime I would love to see a documentary on the slew of eclectic and talented people that germinated in St. Louis Park, MN in the sixties and seventies. Al Franken, Peter Himmelman, Ethan and Joel Coen, um ... Tom Friedman. Wasn't Jesse Ventura there, too? Can you imagine having gone to elementary or high school with those guys ... TOGETHER?

Speaking of grads, sometime I would love to see a documentary on the slew of eclectic and talented people that germinated in St. Louis Park, MN in the sixties and seventies. Al Franken, Peter Himmelman, Ethan and Joel Coen, um ... Tom Friedman. Wasn't Jesse Ventura there, too? Can you imagine having gone to elementary or high school with those guys ... TOGETHER?

Sorry about that.

Jesse Ventura - South Minneapolis. He went to Roosevelt High.

Hey J.P., our buddy Dave "Drew" Anderson is a St. Louis Park boy. Eclectic and talented in his own ways, yes, but not sure he qualifies for that list....

I am an Al Franken supporter but this "election" is too thin to celebrate too loudly. Franken deserves the seat, however. The fact the Coleman thinks he deserves re-election with 42% of the vote has another thing coming. He will have his day in court, though. This will be drawn out for months all on the states money. Very pathetic Mr. Coleman!

not bad for a couple of dead heads.

Nothing like the "Glimmer Twins" to brighten up your day!!!!!!!!!!!


Nothing like the "Glimmer Twins" to brighten your day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing like the "Glimmer Twins" to brighten your day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really love how Norm perjured himself in his election contest lawsuit.

He signed, under oath, that he is a current US senator from Minnesota.

haha. The more ballots that get counted, the bigger Franken's lead will be...and when Norm loses his lawsuit, he'll be required, by Minnesota law, to pay ALL the expenses.

I'm still waiting to see or hear anything comical that came from Al Franken. Really.

A day without Norm Coleman in the Senate is a day to celebrate--even if the seat stays unfilled for two years, or six, it's addition by subtraction.

Coleman's legacy: 0-2 against Jesse Ventura and Al Franken.

Maybe he'll finally work in the private sector he and his cohorts cherish.

Coleman's legacy: 0-2 against Jesse Ventura and Al Franken.

Maybe he'll finally work in the private sector he and his cohorts cherish.

I, for one, do NOT welcome our prancing, lip-synching, hot-pantsed, carpet-bagging overlord. The song is appropriate for what he plans to do to MN*.

* Not that Mr. Coleman's plans for us are any better.

May their pubic hairs be painfully plucked one by one from their diseased genitals. Mock the Vote!

Go back to Russia.

Rest of country,

We are morons, that's why.


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