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The Rally


Come celebrate Barrett & Paul's 36th birthdays at a Chinese-American restaurant on a weeknight! I'm unsure as to whether or not they still serve deep-fried frog legs, but there's a full bar and plenty of MSG to go around.


Are you saying I could be the next mayor of Duluth because of my somewhat twisted connection to you and Paul?

No, but you might have a shot at being the next mayor of West Duluth.

If I don't know anybody except thru the internet, sit in a booth myself and get drunk on Hamm's, nervously looking at my watch and fiddling with the salt shaker, can I still come?

After working my ass off for Donny all I asked for was being named Csar of West Duluth. I'm still waiting for that title. Apparently he's got more important things to do.

Ah, I remember the last time I went to the Jade Fountain. It was about 14 years ago and I went to a wedding shower there. No kidding. The couple was later divorced.

Jade Fountain has fantastic food, and BY FAR the best lighting and decor of any Chinese restaurant in 100 miles.

I don't think I can make it tonight (boo). First no Bentleyville, then no lights in bayfront, and now I'm unable to attend the Rally. It just doesn't feel like Christmas at all...

I could be the next Mayor!!!!!!!!! Naw, I have to go save the world and oh by the way I am going to the Keepaways tonight at Luce. It is typical that my mind(being so overwelmed by the vibrato frequency of Dubs hands)siezes for twelve hours. But Happy Birthday anyway boys and good luck on the next mayoral race!!!!!!

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