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All-points bulletin

Do you know anyone with a maroon SUV? Do you know if that SUV picked up some unexplained big-time dents and busted radiator today?

Well, they may be the person and SUV responsible for taking out my mailbox (and my two neighbors' mailboxes, too) out in Rice Lake Township today.

I've witnessed six - SIX! - cars spin out within 100 feet of my driveway since yesterday afternoon - and those are just the ones I was around to see.

But this one SUV is the only spinout that caused damage. And, the driver sped away - fishtailing and leaking antifreeze - before I could get close enough to see the license plate.

Given the awful road conditions, I would have been in a very forgiving mood had the driver stayed put and owned up to the damage (he/she also took out my neighbor's fence). But now, I'm in a very, very unforgiving mood.

I'm in the midst of making a temporary replacement mailbox post to get us through until spring. I know it's a long shot, but if anyone sees a damaged maroon SUV - possibly a Honda or Toyota, with a big dent above the rear passenger-side wheel - in their neighborhood or at a local garage, send me an e-mail at [email protected].


I will keep my eyes open for that darn SUV. My folks up on the Range just had their mailbox smacked and knocked down by a plow. It has been explained to them that the post is not legal with ST Louis County. (they had a steel post at regulation distance). Which means they are responsible for any damage if someone was to run into it. It is scary to think that they would be responsible for any damages that occur for snowmobilers cruising by on no sort of trail. Unti the mailbox post is replaced with the legal post and mounnt, my folks are responsible for any damage or injuries that occur because of their illegal mailbox mount.

Are you sure it was a maroon SUV and not a red sleigh? Maybe someone was just giving you a reason to ask for a new mailbox this Christmas...one of those sporty models with flame decals to make it look fast.

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