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Vote YES for Minnesota


Since everybody else is posting election stuff, I'll post this: please vote yes on the Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment. This amendment will raise the sales tax by 3/8 of one percent (about thirty cents on an $80 purchase) and will generate about $300 million a year for protecting our water, preserving habitat, creating and maintaining parks and trails, and promoting the arts and our cultural heritage. This proposed amendment gives us a unique opportunity to fund programs that are sorely in need of more money, build a legacy for years to come, and continue to make Minnesota a place worth living in and loving. Not voting will count as voting "no," so please go vote, and vote yes.


Crap. Too late.


Voted Yes. And I hadn't decided till I had the ballot in front of me. I don't trust the legislature and I don't even trust future voters. That's sad, but I don't. I dislike regressive taxes because they are so inherently unfair. But the thing is that people have known that arts and culture and the environment are of paramount importance since say ... Teddy Roosevelt's time. But funding and stewardship of these has declined for as long or longer.

This is one of those where the people are gonna have to lead and maybe the "leaders" will follow.

I bet it will fail, but maybe the number of voters and how far and widely they are dispersed will make an impression

Voted no, and to offer the obvious and oft cited talking points, why on earth should this be part of the constitution? Call me quaint, but I view the constitutional amendments as a restraint on government, not restraint on the people.

Do you really believe that this will have any discernible effect on the items which the amendment purports to support? I think we were sold the same bill of goods about 20 years ago for the MN lottery. If this amendment is approved, I assume we'll get another ridiculous pitch in 20 years from now. I propose instead that those who support the amendment write out a check to the specific arts or environmental cause they choose. That's true democracy.

Why on earth should this be a part of the constitution?

Perhaps because that's where the state's articles of taxation, appropriations and finances are laid out.

Why on earth would anyone vote for NEW TAXES of any kind no matter how worthwhile the cost? I have big plans for that .30 cents.

Did this go through or not? I voted yes, but last I looked it seemed the nonvoters who = no combined with the nos would make it no. But I'm bad at math.

Purple--Yes! It passed!!

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