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Would You Survive?

Enough talk about what weapons are best and where to hide out - test your zombie survival skills for real!*
The Outbreak - zombie survival horror choose your own adventure movie!
For the record, I died, a lot.

* Note: "for real" does not actually mean "for real" of course...


Died a lot so far.

I'm just going to hope that this whole zombie outbreak doesn't ever happen "for real" (because I'd be dead 7 times over). Of course, if you could really go back in life with the chapter select option then maybe I'd just light myself on fire as a hobby. Unfortunately, I'd probably be dead before the interactive movie even started.

i don't mean to pat myself on the back, but i only died twice.

my mom was wrong. spending all that time watching horror movies as a kid DID pay off.

Thanks for posting it. That wasted a good 15 minutes of work today. I died a lot but that was very cool...really well-made.

I don't see where you click "begin."

You probably need to install flash.

I downloaded it, but only played the first scene, so maybe that was wrong to do.

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