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Duluth Parkour

HCIS students are enjoying the new school year. This is the first video from the Friday elective: Urban Free Run and Action Video.

Music by Major Izzy Lessmore of Tangier 57


I think parkour is ultra-cool, if I were a high school student I'd want to do it. Great video, too. I like the train.

This is really a whole new version of high school PE. "Gym mats? We don't need no stinking gym mats!"

More student posts.

Kids shot,edited and posted the video as an assignment for class. Why dont they post here more? I cant tell you...Maybe it's that PDD is for old people. Here's what they do on the interwebs. I was going to make a post about HCIS radio as well but now I dont know.

MN Speak picked up the video!


just further proof that leif erickson park is one of the best places in duluth to play.

The quality of the film is pretty superb, but the athleticism seems to be a bit lower than previous Parkour frolics posted here. Keep working on it! I couldn't help thinking of Corey and Trevor from the Trailer Park Boys while watching this.

Good to see Duluth picking up on the Parkour thing (I believe there are some other Duluth vids similar on Youtube). The soundtrack they chose about made me want to gag however.


Frankenschutz, we're leaning heavy on saftey. Always erring on the side of caution puts a hamper on the extreme parts of the sport.
Samh, I'll give you soundtrack feedback to the Major...he'll be very appreciative, dont write off his band because of his solo stuff

I hang out on /b/ as much as the next guy. I'm just advocating for more.

Pedro... remember parkouring it up on our porch???

Parkour in your pants.

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