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New Blog on the Block

Northern Lights Books and Gifts in Canal Park recently launched a new blog - Norlight Lit Life - focusing in on literary life in the Northland with book reviews, book news, store updates, author news, and other bookish sundries.

Stop on over and check it out. It's one of the initiatives we're taking to celebrate 15yrs of independent bookselling in Duluth. More ahead this fall - details as they develop.


This post is not nearly controversial, political, partisan, or tedious enough for the current PDD dynamic. How refreshing.

Yeah, I guess innocuousness is the word of the day. :

Sweet! Thanks for passing this along.

Yea, books! Thank you!

I got yer books right here...*grab* When are you horn-rimmed loosers gonna get it? Readin' is fer sissy's.

Now, Sinatra, if you would spend more time reading and less time grabbing yourself, you might learn something. Shocking, I know!

Thanks jmcc for posting this - this is good to know : )

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