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Monkey at a Café


The original artwork from "Monkey With A Tool Belt" by Chris Monroe is hanging at Lake Ave Café and there is an opening tonight from 5-7PM. Food and wine and Chris Monroe.

Lake Avenue Café
394 Lake Avenue South

The show is hanging though October 12.


Who doesn't love cartoon monkeys?

Will any of the artwork be for sale? We would love to have some in our home!


donkey wrench

the art isn't really for sale. Well, it is, but it's pretty spendy. I recommend cutting up the book and framing a page.

Only a self-deprecating Minnesotan would suggest that!

I bought copies of this for the various rugrats in my life, and they all loved it.

Even better: One could cut up the book, take a page over to Paper Hog or that other copy place on Superior St. downtown whose name I can't remember, even though I know the owners really well -- and *blow up* the page, say 50x, *then* frame it. Voila. BTW, I talked to your publisher the other day, Chris M, he says you're one of the authors attending MBA in a few weeks! I hope that stardom there doesn't change you.

I hope that illegally reproducing copyrighted work doesn't change you.

Touche, Tim K.

2 words. mink stole(d).

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