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I hrt John Stewart.


I miss Kilborn.

Doesn't Craigers have his own show--complete with a 5 questions?

John Stewart does a much better job than Kilborn did, even without the 5 questions gimmick.

He hosted The Late Late Show on CBS for a few years, but hasnt done that for a while. Personally I liked the really, really early Daily Show (with Craigers) where they didnt have an audience. The audience hootin' and hollerin' at everything and anything that comes out of the hosts mouth is obnoxious and to me makes stuff like this unwatchable. But that's just my opinion.

A fine, fine example of ownage.

That was fucking brilliant! Thanks for sharing.

i agree...brilliant!

i second, brilliant!

The Daily Show is the only thing keeping me sane during the conventions. Effin' politicians.

The Obama campaign should contact Jon Stewart and ask if they can air this segment as a campaign ad. It's freakin' brilliant.

i second, claire!

Why bother, every episode of The Daily Show is a campaign ad for Obama.

Everything on FOX News is a campaign ad for McCan't.

Nothing you can say about someone makes them look like a bigger idiot than what they say themselves.

To Jon Stewart: the master of the video clip archive.

FYI, you can watch new episodes of The Daily Show and the Colbert Report for free and for legal on hulu.com. There are ads, but only one for each break.



That's also where I watch Family Guy, The Simpsons and The Office. They also have movies (again with ads) and all sorts of other great stuff.

Absolutely brilliant insight by the very best, Jon Stewart. He's right on track with the inane, insipid McCain campaign strategies. Karl Rove is a pig and should be put out to pasture.

Absolutely brilliant insight by the very best, Jon Stewart. He's right on track with the inane, insipid McCain campaign strategies. Karl Rove is a pig and should be kept in the sty... he's totally socially unacceptable.

So...which one is it? Should he be put out to pasture or kept in the sty?

Even better would be for someone to ask them about their double standard and see what they say. "uuh ....mmmm ....why do you hate America!!!"

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